diplomsko delo
Nuša Leskošek (Avtor), Andrej Hozjan (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Gospostvo Viltuš v zgodnjem novem veku je predstavljeno gospostvo v obdobju med 16. in 18. stoletjem. Glavni namen je celostna predstavitev zgodnje novoveškega gospostva Viltuš pri Mariboru med 16. in 18. stoletjem, s poudarkom na posestnem uradu Rošpoh. Obdelani viri so: urbarja iz leta 1588 in leta 1622, oba z dodatkom gorninskih dajatev urada Rošpoh, Gorninski registri iz obdobja od 1744-1749 in iz leta 1756, Štiftna registra iz let 1739 in 1748 ter Protokol izdanih dokumentov o podložnikih za obdobje 1752-1758. Vsi našteti viri veljajo le za urad Rošpoh oziroma za podložnike, spadajoče v ta urad. Urbar predstavlja popis letnih dohodkov od podložnikov zemljiškega gospostva za določeno leto. V gorninskem registru so zabeležene letne obveze hasnovalcev ("najemnikov") vinogradov v lasti gospostva. Oddajali so mošt, denar in oves. Najemniki vinogradov niso bili le podložniki gospostva, temveč tudi meščani ali celo plemiči. V tistem času je namreč posedovanje vinograda še posebej pri meščanih veljalo za znak ugleda. Štiftni register je letni zapis obveznosti podložnikov do svojega zemljiškega gospoda, v katerem je označeno tudi, ali so le-ti obveznosti poravnali ali ne. Dajatve so bile večinoma denarne, tako se je mala pravda (kopuni, kokoši, jajca, piščanci itd.) že pretvorila v denarne protivrednosti. Protokol izdanih dokumentov o podložnikih za obdobje 1752-1758 je protokol inventarjev in cenitvenih zapisnikov nepremičnin, ki so jih najemno posedovali posamični podložniki gospostva Viltuš ob svoji smrti. V njem so uradno ocenjene vrednosti kmetij in vinogradov po smrti hasnovalca in zapis prevzemne dajatve ali umrščine, ki je bila določena dedičem. Sestavni del diplome je transliteracija teh virov iz nemške gotice v moderno nemščino in tudi preglednice z analizo dajatev v omenjenih virih, ki so se pri posameznikih seveda razlikovale glede na lego in pomembnost zemljišča. Pomembnejši lastniki graščine Viltuš od njene prve omembe v 12. stoletju do njenega žalostnega propada v 20. stoletju so bili: Viltuški gospodje, baroni Turjaški, baroni Székely/Zekel, grofje Herbersteini, grofje Rabatta, Jožefa Strenner, Boštjan Weninger, baron Gödel - Lannoy ter meščanski družini Badel in Magerl.

Ključne besede

zgodovina;gospoščine;Viltuš;uradi;Rošpoh;viri;zgodnji novi vek;dajatve;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Maribor
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Leskošek]
UDK: 93/94(043.2)
COBISS: 19546120 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2228
Št. prenosov: 385
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: My diploma titled The ground estate of Viltuš in the Early Modern Age presents the estate between 16th and 18th century. The aim is to give a complete presentation of the early modern age Viltuš estate near Maribor between 16th and 18th century, with the highlight on the estate's bureau Rošpoh. The processed sources are: The Land register from the year 1588 and 1622, both with accompanied by the Bergrechten to the Rošpoh bureau, Bergrecht Register from the era 1744-1749 and from the year 1756, Stüfft Register from 1739 to 1748 and The Protocol of issued documents to the subjects from 1752 to 1758. All of the above sources are valid only for Rošpoh bureau and the subjects of this bureau. The Land register presents the inventory of the yearly income of the subjects of a certain estate for a certain year. Bergrecht Register notes the yearly tribute of the subjects (= the renters) of the vineyards that were in the estate's property. They contracted must, money and oat. The vineyard's renters weren't only the estate's subjects, but also commoners and even noblemen. At the time, the possession of a vineyard, especially by a commoner, was considered a sign of prestige. Stüft Register is a yearly record of subject's tribute to their squire, which also shows whether they have cleared the duty. The tributes were mostly monetary, even turning small tribute (capons, hens, eggs and chickens) to monetary value. The Protocol of issued documents to the subjects from 1752 to 1758 is the protocol of inventory and valuation records of real estates that were in the property of the individual subjects of the Viltuš estate at the time of their death. It holds the official valuations of the farms and vineyards after the death of the subject and the record of the overtaking tribute called "Sterbrecht" that was assigned to the heirs. A part of the diploma is also the transliteration of these sources from the German Gothic alphabet to modern-day German as well as the tables containing the analysis of the tributes form the mentioned sources that varied from individual to individual person, according to the position and the importance of the land. Since the first mentioning of the ground estate of Viltuš in the 12th century to it's sad decay in the 20th century, the important owners were: the Lord of Viltuš, the Barons of Turjak, the Barons Székely/Zekel, the Counts of Herberstein, the Counts of Rabatta, Jožefa Strenner, Boštjan Weninger, Baron Gödel-Lannoy and commoner families of Badel and Magerl.
Sekundarne ključne besede: The ground Estate of Viltuš;Estate’s Bureau Rošpoh;Estate’s sources;the Early Modern Age;the Tributes;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: UNIV. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Strani: 90 f.
Ključne besede (UDK): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;history;zgodovina;
ID: 998068