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Št. zadetkov: 33
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: filozofija;politična filozofija;politika;mnoštvo;univerzalno;subjekt;
Članek izhaja iz dveh koncepcij politike v postmodernizmu: po eni strani se politična misel po zatonu pojma avtoritete, Drugega, sooča z radikalno krizo glede možnosti utemeljitve politične skupnosti in torej priča o določenem "koncu politike", po drugi strani pa predvsem skozi promocijo pojma biopo ...
Leto: 2004 Vir: Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije
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Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: politics; multitude; Empire; universal; subject
The article exposes two conceptions of politics in postmodernism: following the decline of the classical figure of authority, political thought faces a radical crisis on the level of the possible foundation of political community, although on the other hand, through the promotion of biopolitics, it ...
Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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The article shows the importance of the paternal metaphor and the function of the father in psychoanalysis, as well as some misunderstandings that can occur regarding this function in philosophy, namely Deleuze and Guattari's critique of the father as a normative function of castration. It focuses o ...
Leto: 2011 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Ni določena
Oznake: psychoanalysis; school; la passe; didactics; symptom
The history of psychoanalysis shows that until Lacan's intervention in the field of the school in the 1960s, the formation of a psychoanalyst was subject to formal rules of didactic psychoanalysis. Lacan brought the notion of didactics, related to the production of knowledge in the psychoanalytic pr ...
Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Izvirni znanstveni članek
The article shows the importance of the paternal metaphor and the function of the father in psychoanalysis, as well as some misunderstandings that can occur regarding this function in philosophy, namely Deleuze and Guattari's critique of the father as a normative function of castration. It focuses o ...
Leto: 2011 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: politika;mnoštvo;Imperij;univerzalno;subjekt
Članek izhaja iz dveh koncepcij politike v postmodernizmu: po eni strani se politična misel po zatonu pojma avtoritete, Drugega, sooča z radikalno krizo glede možnosti utemeljitve politične skupnosti in torej priča o določenem »koncu politike«, po drugi strani pa predvsem skozi promocijo pojma biopo ...
Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Št. zadetkov: 33
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