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Št. zadetkov: 3
Pregledni znanstveni članek
Oznake: Europe;raptor monitoring scheme;birds of prey;owls;monitoring inventory;
Despite the key role of raptors (including birds of prey Falconiformes and owls Strigiformes) in ecosystems and their sensitivity to environmental change, a well coordinated, Europe-wide monitoring of raptors is lacking. EURAPMON, a Research Networking Programme of the European Science Foundation, w ...
Leto: 2012 Vir: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (NIB)
Pregledni znanstveni članek
Oznake: lesna sova;indikatorska vrsta;onesnažila;prehrana;monitoring;ekologija;raptors;sentinel species;contamination exposure;contamination impact;diet;minimal recommended monitoring scheme;
Top predators are often used as sentinel species in contaminant monitoring due to their exposure and vulnerability to persistent, bioaccumulative and, in some cases, biomagnificable contaminants. Some of their ecological traits can vary in space and time, and are known to influence the contamination ...
Leto: 2023 Vir: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (NIB)
Druge monografije in druga zaključena dela
Oznake: ujede;sove;COST;ERBFacility;okoljska onesnažila;
This is a report from the Third General Meeting (GM3) and Cross-Working Group Meeting of the COST Action European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility (ERBFacility, CA 16224). The Fourth Management Committee Meeting (MC4) took place back-to-back with the General Meeting. The Minutes of the Management Commi ...
Leto: 2020 Vir: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (NIB)
Št. zadetkov: 3
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