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Št. zadetkov: 45
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: astrophysics;nuclear physics;
For appropriate choices of the coupling constants, the equations of motion of Lovelock gravities up to order n in the Riemann tensor can be factorized such that the theories admit a single (A)dS vacuum. In this paper we construct two classes of exact rotating metrics in such critical Lovelock gravit ...
Leto: 2017 Vir: Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Mariboru (DKUM)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
The concepts of curve profile, curve intercept, curve intercept density, curveprofile area density, intersection density in containing intersection (orintersection density relied on intersection reference), curve profile intersection density in surface (or curve intercept intersection density relied ...
Leto: 2001 Vir: Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije
Pregledni znanstveni članek
Biostereology in China is very active. Here is a brief summary: Organization: The organization of biostereology in China was founded in Nov. 1988. Its name is Chinese Society of Biomedical Stereology (CSBS), and is affiliated to the Chinese Society for Stereology (CSS). The first joint president of ...
Leto: 2000 Vir: Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science
There are more than 66 million people su®ering from hear- ing impairment and this disability brings them di±culty in video content understanding due to the loss of audio infor- mation. If the scripts are available, captioning technology can help them in a certain degree by synchronously illus- trati ...
Leto: 2010 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;computer vision
Probabilistic tracking algorithms typically rely on graphical models based on the first-order Markov assumption. Although such linear structure models are simple and reasonable, it is not appropriate for persistent tracking since temporal failures by short-term occlusion, shot changes, and appearanc ...
Leto: 2014 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;machine learning
We propose an online visual tracking algorithm by learning discriminative saliency map using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Given a CNN pre-trained on a large-scale image repository in offline, our algorithm takes outputs from hidden layers of the network as feature descriptors since they show ...
Leto: 2015 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;data science
Buildings in cities consume 30 to 70% of the cities’ total primary energy. Retrofitting the existing building stock to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy use is a key strategy for cities to reduce green-house-gas emissions and mitigate climate change. Planning and evaluating retrofit st ...
Leto: 2016 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Existing feature extraction methods explore either global statistical or local geometric information underlying the data. In this paper, we propose a general framework to learn features that account for both types of information based on variational optimization of nonparametric learning criteria. U ...
Leto: 2009 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: business;enterprise collaboration
Present team members have difficulties in keeping the relations between their various, concurrent activities due to the lack of suitable tools supporting context coupling and sharing. Furthermore, collaboration services are hardly aware of related context of team members and their activities. Such a ...
Leto: 2008 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;data mining;knowledge extraction
We are interested in organizing a continuous stream of sparse and noisy texts, known as "tweets", in real time into an ontology of hundreds of topics with measurable and stringently high precision. This inference is performed over a full-scale stream of Twitter data, whose statistical distribution e ...
Leto: 2014 Vir:
Št. zadetkov: 45
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