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Št. zadetkov: 4
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: housing;housing estates;suburbs;Great Britain;
In Britain, the peripheral Local Authority housing estates, built during the 30 years 1945-1975, now present serious problems. The introduction of non-traditional methods, together with cheap and hasty use of conventional building without craft skills, (rat-trad) resulted in a wide range of long-ter ...
Leto: 1995 Vir: Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;machine learning
This paper presents a novel unifying framework of anytime sparse Gaussian process regression (SGPR) models that can produce good predictive performance fast and improve their predictive performance over time. Our proposed unifying framework reverses the variational inference procedure to theoretical ...
Leto: 2015 Vir:
Ni določena
Oznake: matematika;kompleksna analiza;popolnoma realne podmnogoterosti;biholomorfne preslikave;mathematics;complex analysis;totally real submanifolds;biholomorphic mappings;
V članku konstruiramo družino integralskih operatorjev za rešitev ▫$\overline{\partial}$▫-enačbe v ▫${\mathcal C}^k$▫ in Hölderjevih normah v tankih cevastih okolicah povsem realnih podmnogoterosti v ▫$\Cc^n$▫. Z uporabo teh operatorjev dobimo tudi rešitve ▫$d$▫-enačbe z natančnimi ocenami za holomo ...
Leto: 2000 Vir: Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani (RUL)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: Fe-N-C catalysts;selective synthesis;tetrapyrrolic active sites;EXAFS;XANES;single atom;DFT;
Combining the abundance and inexpensiveness of their constituent elements with their atomic dispersion, atomically dispersed Fe−N−C catalysts represent the most promising alternative to precious-metal-based materials in proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Due to the high temperatures inv ...
Leto: 2021 Vir: Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici (RUNG)
Št. zadetkov: 4
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