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Št. zadetkov: 7
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: klinopiroksen;podhladitev;peščena ura;kristalizacija;mikrotomografija;clinopyroxene;undercooling;hourglass;crystallization;microtomography;
We present undercooling (∆T) experiments aimed at investigating the effect of growth kinetics on the textural and compositional evolution of clinopyroxene crystals growing from a high-K basalt erupted during the 2003 paroxysm of Stromboli volcano (Italy). The experiments were performed at P = 350 MP ...
Leto: 2023 Vir: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: tomografski 3D/4D slikovni podatki;obdelava in analiza slik;odprtokodna programska oprema;Python;tomographic 3D/4D imaging data;image processing and analysis;open source software;
n this work, we propose the software library PyPore3D, an open source solution for data processing of large 3D/4D tomographic data sets. PyPore3D is based on the Pore3D core library, developed thanks to the collaboration between Elettra Sincrotrone (Trieste) and the University of Trieste (Italy). Th ...
Leto: 2022 Vir: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: baterija;elektroliti;elektrokemijske meritve;kvartarna amonijeva sol;rentgenska računalniška mikrotomografija;mobilnost;odprti dostop;battery;electrolyte;electrochemical measurements;quaternary Ammomium salt;X-ray computed microtomography;mobility;open access;
Secondary Zn–based batteries are a valid alternative to Li for stationary storage, but commercial devices are not yet available, chiefly owing to anode shape-change and passivation issues. Mildly acidic aqueous solutions are actively studied, since they seem to limit unstable growth of Zn, with resp ...
Leto: 2023 Vir: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: antropologija;evolucija;paleontologija;anthropology;evolution;palaeontology;
The peopling of Europe during the Middle Pleistocene is a debated topic among paleoanthropologists. Some authors suggest the coexistence of multiple human lineages in this period, while others propose a single evolving lineage from Homo heidelbergensis to Homo neanderthalensis. The recent reassessme ...
Leto: 2024 Vir: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: sinhrotronska rentgenska mikrotomografija;kosti;trabekularna struktura;osteoni;osteoporoza;slikanje s faznim kontrastom;odprti dostop;synchrotron X-ray microtomography;bone;trabecular struicture;osteons;osteoporosis;phase-contrast imaging;open access;
Although multiple structural, mechanical, and molecular factors are definitely involved in osteoporosis, the assessment of subregional bone mineral density remains the most commonly used diagnostic index. In this study, we characterized bone quality in the femoral neck of one osteoporotic patients a ...
Leto: 2022 Vir: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: petrology;mantle xenoliths;X-ray microtomography;multi-scale image analysis;
The accurate textural characterization of mantle xenoliths is one of the fundamental steps to understanding the main processes occurring in the upper mantle, such as sub-solidus recrystallization, magmatic crystallization, and metasomatism. Texture, composition, and mineralogy reflect the temperatur ...
Leto: 2024 Vir: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: naravne nevarnosti;petrologija;vulkanologija;natural hazards;petrology;volcanology;
Explosivity of basaltic eruptions is related to the efficiency in which exsolved gas can separate from the melt during ascent, which is controlled by magma permeability. However, basaltic pyroclasts from eruptions of varying explosivity can show similar permeability, indicating a possible complex re ...
Leto: 2024 Vir: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG)
Št. zadetkov: 7
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