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Št. zadetkov: 7
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: onesnaženje okolja;podstrešni prah;kemična sestava;mestno okolje;
A comprehensive study of attic dust in an urban area is presented. Its entire life cycle, from determining historical emission sources to recognising the processes that take place in attic dust and its potential to impact human health is discussed. Its chemical composition and morphological characte ...
Leto: 2022 Vir: Geološki zavod Slovenije (GeoZS)
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: social sciences;society;computers;multimedia
Social science is often concerned with the emergence of collective behavior out of the interactions of large numbers of individuals; but in this regard it has long suffered from a severe measurement problem - namely that interactions between people are hard to measure, especially at scale, over time ...
Leto: 2010 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: social sciences;society
Social science is often concerned with the emergence of collective behavior out of the interactions of large numbers of individuals; but in this regard it has long suffered from a severe measurement problem—namely that interactions between people are hard to measure, especially at scale, over time, ...
Leto: 2008 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;data mining
Crowdsourcing sites like Amazon's Mechanical Turk are increasingly being used by researchers to construct "virtual labs" in which they can conduct behavioral experiments. In this talk, I describe some recent experiments that showcase the advantages of virtual over traditional physical labs, as well ...
Leto: 2011 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;data science
The past 15 years have witnessed a remarkable increase in both the scale and scope of social and behavioral data available to researchers, leading some to herald the emergence of a new field: “computational social science.” Against these exciting developments stands a stubborn fact: that in spite of ...
Leto: 2016 Vir:
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: Quantum Max Cut;Swap operatorji;nekomutativni polinomi;simetrična grupa;Gröbnerjeve baze;swap operators;noncommutative polynomials;symmetric group;Gröbner bases;
Problem Quantum Max Cut (QMC) je testni problem za razvoj algoritmov za približnih rešitev lokalnih problemov o Hamiltonianu. V tem članku uporabljamo algebraično strukturo QMC, zlasti povezavo s teorijo upodobitve za simetrične grupe. Prvi glavni prispevek tega članka je razširitev tehnik optimizac ...
Leto: 2024 Vir: Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko (UL FMF)
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: arts;visual arts;photography;architecture
Leto: 2006 Vir:
Št. zadetkov: 7
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