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Št. zadetkov: 23
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Oznake: occurrence, halophytes, Hordeum geniculatum, IUCN criteria
Historical and current occurrence of halophytic-ruderal species Hordeum geniculatum was studied in Slovakia during 2003 – 2010. The species occurred only in the Podunajská nížina Lowland, where 16 sites were found in total including historical and recent locations. Recently, the number of sites decr ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Artemisia santonicum subsp. patens, Slovakia, occurrence, halophytes, IUCN criteria
Historical and current occurrence of obligate halophyte Artemisia santonicum subsp. patens was studied in Slovakia during 2001–2012. The species has been occurred in the Podunajská nížina Lowland and the Východoslovenská nížina Lowland; 35 localities were found in total. The data from the Záhorská n ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Lolium temulentum, distribution, rare weeds, Slovakia
The past and present distribution of a rare segetal weed darnel ryegrass (Lolium temulentum) in Slovakia is presented. The study is based on revision of herbarium specimens from 12 herbaria and a field survey carried out during 2005–2009. Altogether, 95 localities of this species were recorded in Sl ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: Artemisia santonicum subsp. patens;pojavljanje;halofiti;IUCN kriterij
V članku smo obravnavali historično in trenutno razširjenost obligatne halofitske vrste Artemisia santonicum subsp. patens na Slovaškem med leti 2001 in 2012. Vrsta se pojavlja v nižinah Podunajská nížina in Východoslovenská nížina; skupno smo našli 35 rastišč. Podatki o pojavljanju v nižini Záhorsk ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: pojavljanje;halofiti;Hordeum geniculatum;IUCN kriterij
V članku smo obravnavali historično in trenutno razširjenost halofitsko-ruderalne vrste Hordeum geniculatum na Slovaškem med leti 2003–2010. Vrsta se pojavlja le v nižini Podunajská nížina, kjer smo našli 16 lokalitet, vključno historičnih in recentnih. V zadnjem času je število rastišč zelo upadlo ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: Lolium temulentum;razširjenost;redki pleveli;Slovaška
V članku je predstavljena nekdanja in današnja razširjenost segetalnega plevela omotne ljulke (Lolium temulentum) na Slovaškem. Raziskava temelji na reviziji herbarijskih primerkov iz 12 herbarijev in terenskega pregleda v letih od 2005 do 2009. Na Slovaškem smo zabeležili 95 rastišč. Pred letom 195 ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Crypsis aculeata, Heleochloa schoenoides, halophytes, saline soils, distribution, vegetation, Slovakia
The distribution and communities of two annual grasses Crypsis aculeata and Heleochloa schoenoides were studied in Slovakia during 2003–2007. Herbarium and field data were used to reconstruct the occurrence of both taxa. A strong decline in C. aculeata localities was observed. This was mainly due to ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Pholiurus pannonicus, halophytes, distribution, Slovakia
Historical and current occurrence of the obligate halophyte Pholiurus pannonicus was studied in Slovakia during the period 2003–2009. The species had been occurring in the Podunajská nížina Lowland and the Východoslovenská nížina Lowland; 30 localities were found in total. Recently the number of loc ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Východoslovenská nížina Lowland, endangered species, marshland vegetation, phytosociology
The historical and recent distribution, ecology and phytosociology of perennial grass Beckmannia eruciformis was studied in Slovakia between 2002 and 2010. Altogether 22 natural and two secondary sites with presence of the species were found from published sources, herbaria and field research. Loca ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: dry grasslands, IUCN criteria, occurrence, pioneer vegetation, taxa
Distribution, morphological types and coenotic affinity of Gagea bohemica in Slovakia was studied during 2008–2011. Revision of herbarium material showed presence of three taxa in the flora: 1) subsp. bohemica, 2) subsp. bohemica var. stenochlamydea and 3) subsp. saxatilis. Taxonomic status of var. ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Št. zadetkov: 23
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