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Št. zadetkov: 30
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: evolucijske igre;kvantne strategije;koevolucija;naključne mreže;kooperacija;evolutionary games;quantum strategies;coevolution;random networks;cooperation;
We study the coevolution of quantum and classical strategies on weighted and directed random networks in the realm of the prisoners dilemma game. During the evolution, agents can break and rewire their links with the aim of maximizing payoffs, and they can also adjust the weights to indicate prefere ...
Leto: 2013 Vir: Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko (UM FNM)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: evolucijske igre;kvantne strategije;koevolucija;naključne mreže;kooperacija;statistična fizika socioloških sistemov;evolutionary games;quantum strategies;coevolution;random networks;cooperation;statistical physics of social systems;
We study the impact of adaptive degrees of trust on the evolution of cooperation in the quantum prisoner's dilemma game. In addition to the strategies, links between players are also subject to evolution. Starting with a scale-free interaction network, players adjust trust towards their neighbors ba ...
Leto: 2013 Vir: Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko (UM FNM)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: stable carbon isotope;rocky desertification;C3 and C4 plants;karst graben basin
Understanding the controlling factors of soil organic carbon isotope (δ13CSOC) change and the vegetation succession process is crucial to guide ecological restoration and agricultural cultivation in karst rocky desertification region. However, the information about the combination of C3 and C4 plant ...
Leto: 2020 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;machine learning;structured data;network analysis
Methods for L1-type regularization have been widely used in Gaussian graphical model selection tasks to encourage sparse structures. However, often we would like to include more structural information than mere sparsity. In this work, we focus on learning so-called "scale-free" models, a common feat ...
Leto: 2011 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;machine learning;clustering
Leto: 2006 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;pattern recognition
Sensors provide computer systems with a window to the outside world. Activity recognition "sees" what is in the window to predict the locations, trajectories, actions, goals and plans of humans and objects. Building an activity recognition system requires a full range of interaction from statistical ...
Leto: 2009 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;data mining;applications;computer vision;shape analysis
Rock art is an archaeological term for human-made markings on stone. It is believed that there are millions of petroglyphs in North America alone, and the study of this valued cultural resource has implications even beyond anthropology and history. Surprisingly, although image processing, informatio ...
Leto: 2009 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: medicine;neuroscience;computer science;machine learning;pattern recognition
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) use brain signals to convey a user's intent. Some BCI approaches begin by decoding kinematic parameters of movements from brain signals, and then proceed to using these signals, in absence of movements, to allow a user to control an output. Recent results have shown ...
Leto: 2011 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;data mining;social content
Online recommendation systems are becoming more and more popular with the development of web. Data sparseness is a major problem for collaborative filtering (CF) techniques in recommender systems, especially for new users and items. In this paper, we try to reduce the data sparseness in the collabora ...
Leto: 2011 Vir:
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: computer science;machine learning;recommender systems;social sciences;economics;marketing
Leto: 2008 Vir:
Št. zadetkov: 30
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