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Št. zadetkov: 21
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Oznake: humanities;social sciences;society;politics
Ko se v inerciji vsakdana zgodi politični čudež, ko se zgodi preboj politika, stranke ali politične ideje, ki se ne bi smel, nas zamika, da bi opustili racionalnost in se zatekli v fetiš sedanjosti, v hvalo naključja in nepredvidljivosti. A svet je en sam: in čeprav se je čudež zgodil hipno, je njeg ...
Leto: 2016 Vir:
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Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Badiou; event; fidelity; politics
The pair of an event and the fidelity to an event has a triple fate: firstly, it represents one of the central conceptual cores of Badiou’s philosophy; secondly it marks that part of Badiou’s philosophy that managed to cross into a doxa; and thirdly, due to its simplicity, it is exposed to the sever ...
Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Foucault; Freud; psychoanalysis; slip; discourse; politics
One of the unnoticed signs of a shift in contemporary political discourse is a specific turn in the status of the slip of the tongue, the parapraxis. If, until recently, a political slip functioned as a reproductive break in the discourse, then, today, the effect of a formal, signifying slip of the ...
Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Freud; psychoanalysis; group; group psychology; collective subject; democracy; election; Slovenian politics
In Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, Freud ascribes to a group the ability to momentarily take the place of the whole of human society. If we read this remark in an objective sense and do not reduce it to the subjective illusion of a group member, we can understand it as a Freudian defin ...
Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Schreber; Deleuze; verb; sense; Freud; projection; paranoia
Daniel Paul Schreber, the author of Memoirs of my Nervous Illness, is without a doubt an important and constant reference in the writings of Gilles Deleuze. Is this relation invertible? What would Schreber's critique of Deleuze be like? The paper demonstrates that the starting point of this impossib ...
Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
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Oznake: Anthropocene, Earth System, environmental crisis, imperative, ethics
The article examines the concept of the Anthropocene as it has been developed in the field of Earth System science. The key value of the Anthropocene is seen in the fact that it manages to subsume the previously dispersed aspects of the environmental crisis under a single denotation. With the Anthro ...
Leto: 2019 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: Europe, Viktor Orbán, nationalism, democracy, elections, common sense
The European Union, as a political project epitomising the idea of the end of history, has put a great deal of effort into completing the processes of enlargement, integration, and democratisation, but has thus far failed to find a technical solution that would convincingly link the “by” and “of” th ...
Leto: 2019 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: Freud;psihoanaliza;množica;množična psihologija;kolektivni subjekt;demokracija;volitve;slovenska politika
V Množični psihologiji in analizi jaza Freud množici pripiše zmožnost, da se za hip postavi na mesto celotne človeške družbe. Če to opazko beremo v objektivnem smislu in je ne reduciramo na subjektivno iluzijo člana množice, jo lahko razumemo kot freudovsko opredelitev kolektivnega subjekta kot razc ...
Leto: 2016 Vir: ZRC SAZU
Št. zadetkov: 21
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