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Št. zadetkov: 12
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: dvofazni tok;vzgonsko gibanje mehurčka;računalniška dinamika tekočin;dinamična računska mreža;konstantna računska mreža;two-phase flow;free-rising bubble;CFD;volume of fluid;constant mesh;dynamic mesh;
A two-phase bubbly flow is often found in the process industry. For the efficient operation of such devices, it is important to know the details of the flow. The paper presents a numerical simulation of the rising bubble in a stagnant liquid column. The interFOAM solver from the open source Computat ...
Leto: 2019 Vir: Fakulteta za strojništvo (UL FS)
Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci
Oznake: metoda temeljnih rešitev;tehnika podobmočij;Laplaceova enačba;
Za reševanje Laplaceove enačbe je bila uporabljena metoda temeljnih rešitev. Metoda je enostavna in zelo natančna. Njena slabost je potreba po umetnem robu, ki predstavlja lokacije izvornih točk. Zaradi tega ta metoda v osnovni obliki ni uporabna v primeru kompleksnega računskega območja. Težavo odp ...
Leto: 2020 Vir: Fakulteta za strojništvo (UL FS)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: the method of fundamental solutions;Stokes flow;subdomain technique;interface conditions;
The collocation version of the Method of Fundamental Solutions (MFS) with subdomains is introduced in the present work for the solution of the 2D Stokes flow in backward-facing-step geometry, including Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. The motivation for the present work is the inability of ...
Leto: 2021 Vir: Fakulteta za strojništvo (UL FS)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: district heating network;heat losses;numerical experiment;soil temperature gradient;water leak;detection method robustness;
We carried out several numerical experiments to analyze how different boundary conditions affect the ability to detect small pipeline leaks. Our method is based on determining the soil temperature gradient above a buried district heating channel. The equivalent thermal conductivity of a wet insulati ...
Leto: 2021 Vir: Fakulteta za strojništvo (UL FS)
Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci
Oznake: metoda temeljnih rešitev;Stokesov tok;hitrostno-tlačna formacija;
Za reševanje enačb Stokesovega toka je bila izpeljana hitrostno-tlačna formulacija metode temeljnih rešitev. Metoda je enostavna in zelo natančna. Uspešnost tega pristopa je prikazana na primeru 2D Poiseuillovega toka in primeru toka v 2D kanalu s T-razcepom. Primerjava rezultatov izračuna s predsta ...
Leto: 2021 Vir: Fakulteta za strojništvo (UL FS)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: Stokes equations;two-phase flow;free boundary problems;method of fundamental solutions;subdomain technique;
The method of fundamental solutions with a subdomain technique is used for the solution of the free boundary problem associated with a two-phase Stokes flow in a 2D geometry. The solution procedure is based on the collocation of the boundary conditions with the Stokeslets. It is formulated for the f ...
Leto: 2024 Vir: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije (IMT)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: method of fundamental solutions;method of regularized sources;potential flow;neumann boundary conditions;
This paper describes the development of the Method of Regularized Sources for potential flow problems. It is based on the modification of the fundamental solution near the source point by replacing the singularity with a blob in form of a steep rational function. This allows to solve the problems in ...
Leto: 2021 Vir: Fakulteta za strojništvo (UL FS)
Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci
Oznake: kontinuirno ulivanje jekla;računalniška dinamika tekočin;modeliranje turbulence;brezmrežna metoda;continuous casting of steel;CFD;turbulence modeling;meshless methods;
The present work aims to solve the continuous casting benchmark problem in axisymmetry with turbulence in the melt by the meshless method. The physical model of the liquid-solid system that involves mass, momentum and energy conservation is formulated in the mixture continuum approximation. The melt ...
Leto: 2024 Vir: Fakulteta za strojništvo (UL FS)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: temperaturno polje;jekla;radiacija;difuzija;brezmrežne metode;radialne bazne funkcije;pusher-type reheating furnace;steel;temperature field;radiation;convection;diffusion;strong form meshless method;radial basis functions;
Using a meshless method, a simulation of steel billets in a pusher-type reheating furnace is carried out for the first time. The simulation represents an affordable way to replace the measurements. The heat transfer from the billets with convection and radiation is considered. Inside each of the bil ...
Leto: 2024 Vir: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije (IMT)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: rentgenska optika;večplastna leča Laue;termična stabilnost;numerične simulacije;x-ray optics;multilayer Laue lens;thermal stability;numerical simulation;
High-intensity X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) beams require optics made of materials with minimal radiation absorption, high diffraction efficiency, and high radiation hardness. Multilayer Laue lenses (MLLs) are diffraction-based X-ray optics that can focus XFEL beams, as already demonstrated with ...
Leto: 2024 Vir: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije (IMT)
Št. zadetkov: 12
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