magistrsko delo


Velja splošni rek, da se učimo vse življenje, velikokrat tudi nezavedno. Ravno na tak način lahko pričnemo z učenjem tujega jezika. Učenje angleščine se začenja že ob vstopu v osnovno šolo – kot neobvezni izbirni predmet v 1. razredu in kot obvezni predmet v 2. razredu (od šolskega leta 2016/2017 naprej), neformalno pa že veliko prej. Nekaj povsem običajnega je dnevno srečevanje s tujimi jeziki. Za dobro znanje tujega jezika sta dve uri na teden v šoli občutno premalo. Zelo malo podatkov pa najdemo o tem, koliko so učenci dejansko izpostavljeni tujemu jeziku izven pouka. Danes so digitalni mediji in internetna povezava prisotni skoraj vsepovsod, tovrstne vsebine so dostopne skoraj vsakomur. Ponujene so nam razširjene sheme televizijskih programov (tako tujih kot domačih) in od staršev velikokrat slišimo, da njihov otrok gleda risanke na angleškem televizijskem programu. Pri tem posluša naravnega govorca in enostaven jezik, ki je podprt z vizualno podporo. V magistrski nalogi me je zanimalo, ali lahko spremljanje angleškega programa (brez sinhronizacije in slovenskih podnapisov) pozitivno vpliva na slušno razumevanje učencev v 5. razredu osnovne šole. To sem preverila z anketnim vprašalnikom in standardiziranim testom slušnega razumevanja. V raziskavo sem zajela 193 učencev 5. razreda iz šestih različnih osnovnih šol. Ugotovila sem, da učenci več časa preživijo pred televizijskimi ekrani ob koncu tedna. Statistična analiza je pokazala, da so učenci, ki gledajo več angleškega televizijskega programa, dosegli več točk na standardiziranem testu slušnega razumevanja. Večina učencev meni, da gledanje angleškega TV-programa dobro vpliva na njihovo znanje tujega jezika. Učenci, ki jim gledanje TV-programa v angleščini ni všeč, so na testu dosegli slabše rezultate.


televizijski program v angleškem jeziku;slušno razumevanje;zgodnje učenje angleščine;nezavedno učenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Đurić]
UDC: 811.111:373.3(043.3)
COBISS: 11561545 Link will open in a new window
Views: 744
Downloads: 147
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The correlation between watching television programmes in English and listening comprehension of the 5th grade primary school pupils
Secondary abstract: There’s a general belief that we learn throughout our lives, often even subconsciously. This is precisely the way we can start learning a foreign language. Learning English language starts upon entering elementary school – as an optional elective course in the first grade and as a compulsory subject in the second grade (from school year 2016/2017 onwards), and informal learning of the language much earlier than that. Daily encounters with foreign languages are quite ordinary. Two hours per week in schools is noticeably too little to learn a foreign language well. We can find very little information about students’ exposure to foreign languages outside the classroom. Today, digital media and the Internet are present almost everywhere and such content is accessible to almost anyone. We are offered a great variety of television programs (both in foreign and native language) and parents often tell us that their children watch cartoons on English television channels. By doing so, they listen to a native speaker and are exposed to simple language that is supported with visual support. In the master thesis I wanted to investigate whether watching an English television program (without dubbing or subtitles in the Slovenian language) positively affects the listening skills of students of the fifth grade of elementary school. I have done the research with a questionnaire and a standardized listening comprehension test. 193 fifth graders from six different elementary schools were included in the research. I have found out that students spend more time in front of the television screen at the end of the week. Statistical analysis showed that students who watch more television programs in English, achieved more points at the standardized listening comprehension test. Most students think that watching English television programs has a good influence on their language skills. Students who don’t like watching television in English achieved fewer points on the test.
Secondary keywords: English language;primary education;angleščina;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino
Pages: 66 str.
ID: 10838465