magistrsko delo


Teoretično ozadje: Stres predstavlja prilagodljiv odziv na neke zunanje okoliščine, ki lahko vodijo k spremembam. Slednje se lahko kažejo na vedenjskem, fizičnem ali mentalnem področju. Stres se pojavlja tudi pri nadarjenih učencih, ki se verjetneje s stresom spoprijemajo tako, da uporabljajo strategije spoprijemanja, ki so osredotočene na problem, za njih pa sta značilni tudi psihološka in socialna regulacija. Obstaja premalo raziskav, ki se osredotočajo na preučevanje različnih vidikov stresa in uravnavanja čustev pri nadarjenih učencih. Metoda: V raziskavo smo vključili mladostnike (n = 98), stare od 13 do 15 let. Od tega je bilo 52 nadarjenih in 46 ostalih učencev. Uporabili smo štiri vprašalnike: Ček lista stresorjev, Vprašalnik Načini spoprijemanja s stresom (WCQ I), Vprašalnik rezilientnosti in Vprašalnik emocionalne kompetentnosti (ESCQ). Rezultati: Nadarjeni učenci se soočajo z enakimi vrstami stresorjev kot učenci, ki niso identificirani kot nadarjeni. Učenke ne doživljajo več stresa kot učenci. Med nadarjenimi učenci in učenci, ki niso identificirani kot nadarjeni, pri spoprijemanju s stresom, ki je osredotočeno na problem, ni razlik. Nadarjeni učenci so bolj odporni na stres kot učenci, ki niso identificirani kot nadarjeni. Med nadarjenimi in ostalimi učenci v uravnavanju čustev ne prihaja do razlik. Zaključki: Raziskovanje stresa in emocionalne inteligentnosti pri nadarjenih učencih je ključno za pridobitev novih spoznanj na tem področju. S pridobljenimi spoznanji bomo lažje razumeli omenjeni vzorec mladostnikov in na takšen način prispevali k izboljšanju njihovega duševnega zdravja. Pomembno je, da o teh aktualnih izsledkih obveščamo starše, vzgojitelje, učitelje in druge pomembne ljudi v življenju nadarjenih mladostnikov. Ti posamezniki lahko namreč vplivajo na doživljanje stresa, soočanje s stresom, odpornost na stres ter na uravnavanje čustev pri mladostnikih.


magistrska dela;nadarjenost;mladostništvo;stres;uravnavanje čustev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Kamenik]
UDC: 159.944.4:
COBISS: 23331592 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1204
Downloads: 206
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Stress, emotion regulation and gifted pupils
Secondary abstract: Theory: Stress is defined as an adaptable reaction to any outer situations leading to changes which can be indicated in the behavioral, physical or mental fields. Moreover, gifted pupils are faced with stress and they presumably cope with stress by applying strategies of confrontation with the focus on a problem characterized by a typical psychological and social regulation. However, there are not enough researches aimed at researching different viewpoints of stress and emotion regulations in connection with gifted pupils. Method: Our research comprised adolescents (n = 98) aged between 13 and 15, however, 52 of them were gifted pupils and 46 other pupils. Four different questionnaires were used: stressor checklist, Ways of coping Questionnaire (WCQ I), Resilience Questionnaire and Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire (ESCQ). Results: Gifted pupils face with the same stressors as other pupils who are not identified as gifted. Female pupils do not experience more stress than male pupils. However, there are no differences between gifted pupils and pupils not identified as gifted when coping with stress focused on a problem. Gifted pupils are more resistant to stress than pupils not identified as gifted. There are no differences between gifted pupils and other pupils when regulating emotions. Conclusions: Researching stress and emotional intelligence among gifted pupils is of key importance in the process of gaining new cognitions in this field. New cognitions will enable us to understand the mentioned pattern of the adolescents and to contribute to the improvement of their mental health. Moreover, it is of vital importance to inform parents, educators, teachers and other important people in the lives of these gifted adolescents about these up-to-date cognitions. As a matter of fact, these individuals are able to influence experiencing stress, facing with stress, resistance to stress and stress regulations among adolescents.
Secondary keywords: master theses;gift;adolescence;stress;emotion regulations;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: III, 69 f.
ID: 10846846