delo diplomskega projekta
Podjetje želi z nastopom na sejmu prodati svoj izdelek oziroma storitev, ga predstaviti ciljni skupini, graditi prepoznavnost podjetja in izdelka oziroma storitve, hkrati pa sejem predstavlja obliko vzpostavljanja in vzdrževanja poslovnih stikov na določenem trgu. V diplomskem projektu smo spoznali, da je sejem oziroma razstava eno izmed glavnih orodij pospeševanja prodaje. Pospeševanje prodaje je instrument, ki izdelke približa in predstavi odjemalcem, ob tem pa ima prodajalec priložnost o izdelku povedati vse lastnosti na bolj prepričljiv način. Sejem kot najpomembnejše orodje pospeševanja prodaje, je lahko prostor, dogodek ali inštitucija. Navedli smo veliko posebnosti sejma skupaj z nekaj primeri. Avtorji sejme delijo po več merilih, v grobem pa so to sejmi glede na geografsko strukturo, obseg poslovnih področjih in drugi sejmi. Podjetje najprej določi svoje motive in cilje, ki morajo biti zastavljeni pametno. Na ta način izbere pravi mednarodni sejem, na katerem bo razstavljalo. Po tem, ko podjetje izbere sejem, se loti temeljitega načrtovanja nastopa na sejmu. Načrtovanje zajema priprave pred sejmom, aktivnosti podjetja na sejmu in posejemske aktivnosti. Z študijo primera smo opisali celoten proces načrtovanja in nastopa izbranega podjetja na sejmu. Ugotovili smo, da je zaradi specifičnosti izdelkov za izbrano podjetje sejemski nastop zelo pomembno orodje pospeševanja prodaje. S ciljem uresničitve zastavljenih ciljev na izbranem tujem trgu, podjetje nastop na sejmu kombinira z osebno prodajo. Po mnenju podjetja so učinki nastopa na sejmu dolgoročno višji kot stroški. Višja sta tudi uspešnost podjetja in zadovoljstvo odjemalcev.
pospeševanje prodaje;sejmi;mednarodno poslovanje;tržno komuniciranje;načrtovanje;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[J. Horvatič] |
UDC: |
339.174:339.187.2 |
Views: |
914 |
Downloads: |
145 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Trade fair as an instrument of sales promotion |
Secondary abstract: |
At trade fairs a company wants to sell its product or service, promote the company and maintain business relations on a specific market. In the diploma project we have realized that a trade fair is one of the main tools of sales promotion, which brings the products closer to the customers, presents them and tells everything about them in a convincing way. Trade fairs can be a place, an event or an institution. We have listed a lot of features of a trade fair together with some examples. Authors divide trade fairs according to several criteria, in general these are the trade fairs according to geographical structure, range of business area and the other trade fairs. The company first of all define its motives and goals that should be set wisely. In this way the company chooses the right international trade fair, where it will exhibit its products or services. After the company chooses the trade fair, it starts to work on thorough planning for the performance at the trade fair. The planning comprises the activities before the trade fair, activities at the trade fair and activities after the trade fair. With the case study, we have described the whole process of planning and performance of selected company at the trade fair. We have found out that due to the company’s products’ features a trade fair is extremely important tool of its sales promotion. With the aim of fulfilment of the set goals at the selected foreign market, the company combines the performances at trade fairs with personal sales. According to company’s opinion, in a long-term the effects of the performance on a trade fair are higher than its costs. The successfulness of the company and the satisfaction of customers are higher, too. |
Secondary keywords: |
international business;international marketing communication;sales promotion;trade fair;planning; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Diploma project paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
III, 29 str., 1 str. pril. |
ID: |
10847188 |