magistrsko delo
Koncept realistične matematike je eden izmed nizozemskih didaktičnih procesov poučevanja, čigar začetki segajo v šestdeseta leta, in omogoča, da učenci z izkušenjskim učenjem lažje prehajajo iz neformalnih strategij in znanj do formalne predstave matematičnih pojmov. Glavna značilnost koncepta realistične matematike je namreč, da vsebine izhajajo iz realnih življenjskih situacij in problemov, ki so učencem blizu. Matematični problemi morajo učencem nuditi, da si ob reševanje le-teh postavljajo različna vprašanja, sami prihajajo do rešitev in se zavedajo, kako bodo lahko to kasneje uporabili v vsakdanjosti.
Teoretični del magistrskega dela zajema predstavitev koncepta realistične matematike (RME). Osredotočili smo se na izvor, razvoj in metodično-teoretične osnove ter temeljna načela, ki jih mora učitelj upoštevati pri načrtovanju pouka po RME in le-ta podkrepili s primerom dobre prakse.
V literaturi smo zasledili že nekaj raziskav, ki temeljijo na raziskovanju koncepta realistične matematike in vplivu le-te na razvoj matematičnih znanj in strategij. Namen magistrskega dela pa je raziskati predvsem stališča učiteljev do koncepta realistične matematike.
V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge smo uporabili kvalitativno raziskavo, v kateri smo izbrali majhen in nenaključen vzorec: 10 učiteljev, ki v šolskem letu 2016/2017 poučujejo na razredni stopnji od 1. do 5. razreda v osnovnih šolah na področju osrednje Slovenije. Izbrani učitelji so si pogledali videoposnetka učnih ur, v katerih smo prepoznali največ načel RME, ter izrazili, kakšno je njihovo poznavanje in mnenje o pristopu RME.
Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji še vedno poučujejo po tradicionalnem načinu poučevanja, obenem pa nezavedno uporabljajo elemente koncepta RME. Pojmovanja in značilnosti našega pristopa ne poznajo, ga pa utemeljujejo kot učinkovitega in življenjsko uporabnega, saj omogoča in spodbuja učenčevo razmišljanje, samostojnost, timsko sodelovanje, izražanje mnenj in refleksijo, kar pripomore k boljšemu matematičnemu znanju. Učitelji kot slabost omenjenega koncepta izpostavljajo količino učiteljeve priprave in več potrebnega časa za usvajanje učnih vsebin, predvsem za učence, ki so učno šibkejši.
koncept realistične matematike;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[V. Balant] |
UDC: |
51:373.3(043.2) |
Views: |
773 |
Downloads: |
139 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Teachers' attitudes towards the concept of realistic mathematics |
Secondary abstract: |
The concept of realistic mathematics is one among Dutch didactic processes of teaching that roots back to the 1960s. Realistic mathematics is allowing pupils to pass from non-formal strategies and knowledge to formal mathematic notions by implementing techniques of experiential learning. As such the main feature of this concept is reflected from real life experiences and problems of pupils. The mathematic problems have to offer pupils different questions and problems for them to solve alone. With this they have to become aware how to use this problem-solving process in the future and in everyday life.
Theoretic part of the master thesis is composed by the presentation of the realistic mathematics education (RME). The focus is on the origin, the development and methodical-theoretical basis of core principles that every teacher has to keep in mind when planning the classes according to RME. These are enhanced with examples of good practice.
The literature revealed many different studies that are based on researching the realistic mathematic concept and its influence on mathematic knowledge and strategies. Nevertheless, the aim of this master thesis is primarily to research the position of teachers towards this concept.
In the empirical part, the qualitative research method was used. Small but non-coincidental sample was composed of 10 teachers who are in the school year 2016/17 teaching in primary schools, first to fifth classes in the region of Central Slovenia. These teachers have evaluated the RME approach based on watching two videos of lessons using many RME principles.
The results showed that teachers generally continue to apply classical teaching techniques, but are unknowingly also using some elements of RME. However, they are not familiar with concepts and features of the studied approach. They do recognise it as a successful and useful approach, as it allows and encourages pupils’ thinking, independence, team work, expressing opinions and reflection, which contributes to improved mathematical knowledge. As one of the weaknesses of this concept the teachers highlighted the amount of preparation and the extra time needed for mastering the learning content, especially for slow learners. |
Secondary keywords: |
mathematics;primary education;matematika;osnovnošolski pouk; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje na razredni stopnji |
Pages: |
71 str. |
ID: |
10847594 |