diplomsko delo
Katja Kunst (Author), Maja Hmelak (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vloga kreativnosti za aktivno učenje predšolskega otroka smo opredelili pomen ustvarjalnih sposobnosti, ki jih ima v večji oziroma manjši meri razvite vsak človek. Od nas pa je odvisno, na katerem področju in kako jih bomo uveljavili. V teoretičnem delu smo zapisali opredelitev kreativnosti in ustvarjalnosti ter pomen le-teh v timu pedagoških delavcev. Povzeto je, kaj je kreativnost predšolskega otroka in kako jo spodbujati. Človek se uči celo življenje, pomembno pa je, da je znanje, ki ga pridobi, trdno in uporabno. Če je otrok radoveden, vedoželjen in notranje motiviran, je učenje najbolj učinkovito. Takšno pridobivanje znanja imenujemo aktivno učenje. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela smo opisali pomen pridobivanja znanja, sposobnosti in spretnosti v predšolskem obdobju, pomembnost samostojnega reševanja problemov, vlogo odraslega v okolju za aktivno učenje predšolskega otroka, prostore vrtca kot primerno okolje za aktivno učenje, ustreznost materialov za aktivno učenje in opredelitev projektnega dela kot oblike aktivnega učenja. Zaradi zanimanja o tem, ali lahko kot vzgojitelji s svojim pristopom in načinom dela vplivajo na pomen kreativnosti za aktivno učenje predšolskega otroka, smo v sklopu empiričnega dela to raziskali in praktično preverili. Raziskava je temeljila na vzorcu dvaindvajsetih predšolskih otrok, starih od štiri do pet let. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo opazovalnega lista in preizkusa (testa) znanja ter spretnosti. Pridobljene podatke smo obdelali s statističnim programom SPSS. Opravljena raziskava je pripeljala do ugotovitve, da vzgojiteljev pristop in način dela vplivata na pomen kreativnosti za aktivno učenje predšolskega otroka.


diplomska dela;aktivno učenje;kreativnost;predšolski otroci;projektno delo;ustvarjalnost;vzgojitelji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Kunst]
UDC: 373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 23434248 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1589
Downloads: 254
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Role of Creativity for the Active Learning of a Preschool Child
Secondary abstract: In the diploma thesis titled The Role of Creativity for the Active Learning of a Preschool Child, we defined the importance of creative abilities, which each person has developed to a greater or lesser extent. It depends on us, in which area and how we will enforce them. In the theoretical part we have defined creativity and its importance in the team of pedagogical workers. There is also a summary of defining creativity of a preschool child and how to promote it. A person learns his entire life, but it is important that the knowledge he acquires is solid and useful. If the child is curious, knowledgeable and internally motivated, learning is the most effective. This kind of knowledge acquisition is called active learning. In the continuation of the thesis, we described the importance of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in the preschool period, the importance of independent problem solving, the role of an adult in the environment for the active learning of a preschool child, the kindergarten premises as a suitable environment for active learning, the relevance of materials for active learning and the definition of project work as a form of active learning. Due to the interest in whether or not kindergarten teachers with their approach and way of working can influence the importance of creativity for the active learning of a preschool child, we have examined and checked this matter in practice in the empirical part. The study was based on a sample of twenty-two preschool children, aged from four to five years. We have collected the data with the help of an observation sheet and a test of knowledge and skills. The collected data was processed with the statistical program SPSS. The conducted research has led to the conclusion that the kindergarten teacher's approach and his way of work influence the importance of creativity for the active learning of a preschool child.
Secondary keywords: theses;active learning;creativity;preschool children;project work;creativeness;kindergarten teachers;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 40 f., [1] f. pril.
ID: 10861562