magistrsko delo
Sven Jakić (Author), Igor Vrečko (Mentor)


Projektni management lahko obravnavamo ožje kot management, ki je zadolžen za projekte, ali širše, v povezavi s procesi in managementom pred nastankom projekta in po njegovem končanju. Glede na to, da gre za način vodenja, ki se je uveljavljal predvsem v projektno usmerjenih podjetjih, kot so denimo gradbena in ostala inženiring podjetja, lahko danes trdimo, da je prešel meje tradicionalnega projektno usmerjenega podjetja in je prisoten v večini sodobnih organizacij. V finančnih ustanovah, kot so banke, je za optimalno zagotavljanje projektnega delovanja potrebna vzpostavitev oddelka, ki skrbi za racionalnejše rešitve na področju projektnega managementa in udejanjanja strategij. Posledično svetovne, evropske in v zadnjih letih tudi slovenske banke sledijo trendu z ustanavljanjem t. i. PMO-jev (Project Management Office). Gre za projektno orientirane pisarne, oddelke ali celo sektorje, ki so zadolženi izključno za interno projektno delo. Naloga temelji na podrobni predstavitvi in analizi organiziranosti projektnih pisarn nekaterih večjih slovenskih bank, ki sodijo v krog sistemsko pomembnih. Raziskava je podkrepljena s prej predstavljeno teoretično razlago kot tudi s primeri delovanja projektnih pisarn iz tujine.


projektni management;strateški management;projektne pisarne;organizacijske strukture;banke;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Jakić]
UDC: 005.7/.8(043.2)
COBISS: 12842780 Link will open in a new window
Views: 722
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Integration of project management into the organizational structure of Slovenian banks
Secondary abstract: Project management can be considered more narrowly than project management, or more broadly in connection with processes and management before and after its completion. Considering the fact that this is a method of management, which has been claimed primarily in project-oriented companies, such as construction and other engineering of the company, today we can assert that it has crossed the boundaries of traditionally oriented companies and is present in most modern and organizationally oriented companies. In financial institutions, such as banks, it is necessary for the optimal provision of project work to establish a department that takes care of more rational solutions in the field of project management and the implementation of the strategies. Therefore, global, European, and in recent years Slovenian banks, follow the trend by setting up the so-called PMO (Project Management Office). These are project-oriented offices, departments or even sectors that are solely responsible for internal project work. The task bases on detailed presentation and analysis of organization of project offices of some bigger Slovenian banks that belong in the field of systemic importance. The research is befuddled with earlier presented theoretical interpretation and also with examples of actions of project offices from foreign countries.
Secondary keywords: project management;strategic management;Project Management Office;project;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 78 str.
ID: 10863441