diplomsko delo
Nuša Maver (Author), Mateja Videmšek (Reviewer), Damir Karpljuk (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo napisali osemtedenski program za atletsko disciplino skok v daljino, s pomočjo katerega lahko vadečega ustrezno pripravimo na specialno olimpiado. To je tekmovanje na visoki ravni, kjer so športniki razvrščeni v skupine glede na spol, starost in sposobnosti. Seveda pa morajo biti tekmovalci nanj ustrezno pripravljeni. Program je namenjen trenerjem in učiteljem, ki delajo s športniki z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Določili smo tudi cilje, ki naj bi jih športnik dosegel po koncu programa ter dodali opise nekaterih elementarnih iger, ki jih trener lahko uporabi za popestritev vadbe. V programu so vadbene količine in intenzivnosti vadbe precej natančno določene, kar pa ne sme prevladati nad dejstvom, da so si vadeči med seboj zelo raznoliki. Še zmeraj je ključna oseba trener, ki opazuje, motivira, odkriva športnikova močna področja ter prilagaja program njegovim sposobnostim in željam. Ob vsem tem pa ne smemo pozabiti na širši pomen atletskega programa, na katerega opozarjamo skozi celotno diplomsko nalogo. Vadbe ne smemo dojemati samo kot sredstvo za doseganje rezultatov, temveč moramo pri vsaki vaji, ki jo narekuje program, razmišljati o razvoju pravilnih gibalnih vzorcev, ki bodo vplivali na osebno rast vadečega ter mu omogočili enostavnejši in samostojnejši vsakdanjik.


otroci s posebnimi potrebami;otroci z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju;atletski program;specialna olimipada;delo;značilnosti;športne aktivnosti;gibalne sposobnosti;razvoj;atletska vadba;športi specialne olimpiade;skok v daljino;elementarne igre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [N. Maver]
UDC: 796:376-053.2
COBISS: 5168049 Link will open in a new window
Views: 726
Downloads: 313
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Athletics program of Special Olympics for people with moderate intellectual disabilities
Secondary abstract: The thesis work includes an eight-week program for track and field discipline long jump, by help of which a trainee can be well prepared for a Special Olympics. This is a high-level competition, which categorizes the competitors based on their gender, age and motor abilities. Of course, it is expected that the competitors are well prepared for such an event. The program is prepared for coaches and teachers who work with athletes of moderate intellectual disabilities. In addition to this, we have set the goals the athlete is expected to achieve by the end of the program and added the descriptions of some basic games, which can be used by coaches and teachers to make training even more interesting. The program also includes precisely defined amount and intensity of training. However, one should never forget that those who train may differ from each other in their abilities greatly, which means that the coach should be the one motivating his athletes and adjust the training to each individual, based on his or her motor abilities and personal wishes. Finally, we should not forget about the broader meaning of such an athletic program, which we have been emphasizing throughout my thesis work. In fact, training is not just a tool for reaching good results, but also we should be aware whether during each exercise we are developing the correct movement patterns, which will provide us with easier and more independent everyday life.
Secondary keywords: special needs;Special Olympics;moderate intellectual disability;athletics program;long jump;basic games;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10910096