diplomsko delo
Matej Skerk (Author), Jernej Kapus (Reviewer), Anton Ušaj (Mentor)


V tem diplomskem delu smo hoteli ugotoviti, kako neprekinjena in intervalna metoda vplivata na kazalce vzdržljivosti pri teku. V raziskavo smo vključili rezultate samo enega preiskovanca. Vsak test v raziskavi je bil opravljen trikrat, in sicer na začetku, na sredini in na koncu vadbenega obdobja. Vadbeno obdobje je trajalo 1 mesec. V tem obdobju je bilo opravljenih 5 vadbenih enot na teden na atletskem stadionu. Pri neprekinjeni metodi je bila vadbena enota izpeljana na razdalji 2000 m, pri intervalni metodi pa 10-krat na razdalji 200 m z 1,5 minute odmora med ponovitvami z največjo možno intenzivnostjo. Pri vadbi sta bili merjeni srčna frekvenca in hitrost teka. Na testiranjih v laboratoriju pa smo merili poleg frekvence srca še vsebnost laktata v krvi, privzem kisika, minutno prostornino izdihanega ogljikovega dioksida, respiratorni količnik in ventilacijo. Hitrost teka pri testiranjih na tekalni preprogi je bila vedno 17 km/h. To hitrost je namreč preiskovanec dosegel med tekom na 2000 m ob začetku poskusa. Na začetku vadbe smo predpostavljali, da bo večji napredek v vzdržljivosti posameznika pri intervalni metodi, ker bo ta izvedena bolj intenzivno. Rezultati pa nam kažejo drugačno sliko. Vsi kazalci vzdržljivosti so bili boljši pri neprekinjeni metodi.


šport;vzdržljivost;hitrostna vzdržljivost;dolgotrajna vzdržljivost;razvoj;vadba;vzdržljivostni trening;učinki;intervalni tek;neprekinjen tek;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [M. Skerk]
UDC: 796.01
COBISS: 5337009 Link will open in a new window
Views: 917
Downloads: 447
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of effects in interval and continuous training methods
Secondary abstract: This undergraduate thesis aims to find out how interval and continuous training methods influence endurance indicators in running. The research is based on the results of only one participant. Each test was carried out three times during the study, namely at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the training period. The training period lasted one month. During this period, five training units per week were done at the athletic stadium. Continuous training units were performed on the distance of 2000 m, while interval training units were conducted 10 times on a distance of 200 m with 1.5-minute breaks in-between maximum intensity repetitions. Heart rate and running speed were measured during the trainings. Exercise testing was focused on heart rate measurements as well, but analysed also blood lactate concentration, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide output, respiratory rate and ventilation. The running speed during the tests on the treadmill was always 17 km/h. This speed was achieved by the participant during the 2000 m running at the beginning of the experiment. At the beginning of the training it was assumed that the interval training would cause a larger progress in the participant’s endurance as it will be done more intensively. However, the results are different. All the endurance indicators were better after the continuous training.
Secondary keywords: endurance training;effects;interval running;continuous running;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10930101