doktorska disertacija
Zoran Pučko (Author), Danijel Rebolj (Mentor), Nataša Šuman (Co-mentor)


Avtomatsko spremljanje procesa gradnje na gradbišču je zelo pomembno za učinkovito vodenje gradbenih projektov, saj nadomešča sedanjo prakso, kjer se spremljanje izvaja ročno in predstavlja obsežna dela strokovnjakov, ki so časovno zelo zamudna, povezana z visokimi stroški ter so pogosto neučinkovita. Za doseganje učinkovitega vodenja gradbenih projektov je zelo pomembno zagotavljanje pravočasnih in natančnih podatkov o napredovanju gradnje na gradbišču. V gradbeni industriji je dandanes zaznan povečan proces integracije informacijskega modeliranja gradbenih objektov (ang. Building Information Modeling – BIM) v vseh fazah gradbenih projektov. Številne raziskave in publikacije na tem področju nakazujejo eksponentno rast interesa uporabe BIM-pristopa s poudarkom na geometrijski zasnovi, tj. 3D BIM-modeliranju gradbenih objektov, ki je pogosto nadgrajeno z informacijami o časovni dimenziji izvajanja aktivnosti gradnje, tj. 4D BIM, in stroških, tj. 5D BIM-modeliranje. V raziskovanju smo se osredotočili na primerjavo med 4D izvedenim (as-built, AB) in 4D načrtovanim modelom (as-designed, AD), poimenovano tudi Scan-vs-BIM. Avtomatsko ugotavljanje dejanskega stanja na gradbišču in primerjava z načrtovano izvedbo je eden ključnih izzivov za avtomatizacijo spremljanja procesa gradnje. Številne raziskave so se tako usmerile v avtomatizacijo procesa spremljanja gradnje in razvite so različne metode in pristopi. Z modeliranjem AB BIM, tj. dejanskega stanja na gradbišču na osnovi oblaka točk, se pretežno uporabljajo tehnike zajemanja podatkov s fotogrametrijo, videogrametrijo ter laserskim skeniranjem. Obstoječe metode in tehnike avtomatiziranega spremljanja gradnje so eksperimentalnega značaja, izvedene kot posamezni primeri, v gradbeni praksi pa se nobena ni uveljavila. Vzroki so različni in so posledica pomanjkljivosti posameznih obstoječih metod pri uporabi na gradbišču. Razvoj metode v okviru doktorske disertacije predvideva kontinuirano večlokacijsko avtomatsko zajemanje podatkov znotraj gradbenega objekta in zunaj njega s pomočjo skenerjev, integriranih v čeladah delavcev, ki ustvarjajo oblake točk (point clouds, PC) na osnovi globinskih slik (depth images) ter združeno predstavljajo oblak točk celotnega dejansko izvedenega gradbenega objekta (4D AB PC) med celotnim procesom gradnje. 4D AB PC skupaj s 3D BIM-modelom (3D AD BIM) omogoča identifikacijo posameznih izvedenih elementov in generiranje 4D AB BIM-modela. Primerjava 4D AB BIM-modela z načrtovanim 4D AD BIM-modelom daje kot rezultat tiste elemente, ki odstopajo od načrtovane izvedbe v izbranem času. Bistvena novost razvite metode avtomatskega kontinuiranega spremljanja procesa gradnje (ACCPM), v primerjavi z obstoječimi metodami, je v postopku zajemanja podatkov, ki odpravlja pomanjkljivosti obstoječih metod in omogoča celovito ter zanesljivo avtomatsko spremljanje med celotnim procesom gradnje.


avtomatizacija;spremljanje napredovanja gradnje;kontinuirano večlokacijsko zajemanje podatkov;4D oblak točk;identifikacija BIM elementov;doktorske disertacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [Z. Pučko]
UDC: 004.925.8:69.055(043.3)
COBISS: 21811478 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1324
Downloads: 189
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Automated construction progress monitoring using continuous multipoint indoor and outdoor 3D scanning
Secondary abstract: Automated construction progress monitoring at the construction site is very important for the efficient management of construction projects, as it replaces the current practice where monitoring is carried out manually and represents extensive works of experts, which are time-consuming, expensive and often ineffective. In order to achieve effective management of construction projects, it is very important to provide timely and accurate data of the construction progress on the construction site. In the construction industry (AECO), today an increased process of integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in all stages of construction projects is recognized. A number of surveys and publications in this field indicate an exponential increase of the interest of using the BIM approach with an emphasis on geometric designs, i.e., 3D BIM modelling of construction objects, where, in addition to geometric information, construction activities with time information, i.e., 4D BIM and costs information i.e. 5D BIM modelling is added. In our research, we focused on the comparison between 4D as-built (AB) vs 4D as-designed (AD) model, sometimes called Scan-vs-BIM. The automatic determination of the actual situation on the site and comparison with the planned implementation is one of the key challenges for automated construction progress monitoring. Numerous research has thus focused on the automation of construction progress monitoring and various methods and approaches have been developed. By modelling AB BIM i.e., the actual situation on the construction site with point clouds is mainly used in photogrammetry, videogrammetry, and laser scanning techniques. Existing methods and techniques for automated construction progress monitoring are experimental, performed as individual cases, and none of them has been implemented in construction practice. The causes are different and are the result of the shortcomings of individual existing methods for the use on construction site. The development of the method, within the framework of the doctoral dissertation, anticipates continuous and multilocational automatic data acquisition outdoor and indoor the building with the aid of scanners integrated in workers' helmets that create point clouds on the basis of depth images and which together represent the entire point cloud of the actual built object (4D AB PC) throughout the entire construction process. The 4D AB PC and the 3D BIM model (AD BIM) enables the identification of individual built elements and generation of the 4D AB BIM model. Comparing 4D AB BIM with the planned 4D AD BIM model gives, as a result, those elements that deviate from the planned realization at the selected time. The essential novelty of the developed method of automated continuous construction progress monitoring (ACCPM), in comparison to the existing methods, is in the process of data acquisition, thus removing the shortcomings of the existing methods and allowing complete and reliable monitoring of the construction throughout the entire construction process.
Secondary keywords: automation;construction progress monitoring;continuos multipoint data acquisition;4D point cloud;BIM elements identification;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Gradbeništvo
Pages: XXI, 133 str.
ID: 10936046