magistrsko delo
Meta Galjot (Author), Klement Podnar (Mentor)


Zdravje kot visoko uvrščena vrednota slovenskih potrošnikov je povezano tudi z načinom potrošnje, česar se zavedajo številni ponudniki storitev in izdelkov za zdravje, med katerimi imajo opaznejšo vlogo predvsem lekarne. Produkti, povezani z zdravjem, so potrošnikom na voljo prek različnih kanalov, ponudniki pa se za doseg potrošnikov poslužujejo številnih marketinških tehnik. Lekarne so tako prisotne v močno konkurenčnem okolju, zato je z njihovega vidika zelo pomembno, da njihovi potrošniki ostanejo zadovoljni in predvsem lojalni, saj le tako ostanejo tudi ekonomsko uspešne. Percepcija potrošnikov o določeni lekarni pa je odvisna od številnih dejavnikov imidža, na katere lekarna v večji ali manjši meri lahko vpliva sama. Najpomembnejši med njimi so kompetentnost osebja, prijetna atmosfera lekarne, priročnost lokacije in raznovrstnost ponudbe na policah. Magistrsko delo opredeljuje najpomembnejše dejavnike imidža lekarn in preverja njihovo povezanost z lojalnostjo potrošnikov določeni lekarni. Rezultati ankete kažejo, da obstaja povezanost med kompetentnostjo lekarniškega osebja ter raznovrstnostjo ponudbe in lojalnostjo. Z ustrezno ponudbo in usposobljenim kadrom torej lekarne lahko dosežejo dobro konkurenčno prednost pred tekmeci.


lekarne;imidž;Lojalnost;Potrošniki;Vedenje potrošnikov;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Galjot]
UDC: 366:615.1(043.3)
COBISS: 35841885 Link will open in a new window
Views: 682
Downloads: 264
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of selected image factors on loyalty to community pharmacies
Secondary abstract: Health as a high-ranking value of Slovenian consumers is linked to different modes of consumption, which is acknowledged by many providers of healthcare services and products. Community pharmacies have a prominent role among them. Health-related products are available to consumers via a variety of channels and providers use various marketing techniques to reach them. Thus, pharmacies are present in a highly competitive environment, and it is very important from their point of view that their consumers remain satisfied and, above all, loyal, as they thus remain economically viable. A consumer’s perception of a particular community pharmacy depends on a number of image factors that can be affected more or less by the pharmacy itself. The most important among them are the staff’s competence, the pleasant atmosphere of the pharmacy, the convenience of the location and the diversity of products on the shelves. This thesis defines the most important factors of the community pharmacies’ image and establishes their connection with the consumer's loyalty to a particular community pharmacy. The results of the survey show that there is a connection between the community pharmacies’ staff, the diversity of products and loyalty. Therefore, with the wide range of products and highly qualified staff, a community pharmacy can achieve a good competitive advantage over its competitors.
Secondary keywords: Loyality;Consumers;Consumer behavior;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 76 str.
ID: 10961996