magistrsko delo
V magistrski nalogi nas je zanimalo, kako vadba v vodi vpliva na dojenčka in njegove potrebe, kakšen je vpliv staršev na njegovo vedenje med vadbo in katere lastnosti imajo starši, ki otroka vpišejo na tovrstno vadbo. Ugotavljali smo tudi razlike (med letoma 2000 in 2015) v vedenju in potrebah dojenčkov in malčkov med in po vadbi v vodi. Ugotoviti smo želeli, ali med vadečimi v navedenih letih obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike, ki jasno nakazujejo na spremembe vedenja in potreb oziroma doživljanja vadbe in počutja dojenčka med in po vadbi v vodi. Vir analize je anketni vprašalnik, ki je sestavljen iz 38-ih vprašanj, ki se nanašajo predvsem na počutje dojenčka ali malčka med in po vadbi v vodi.
Ugotovili smo, da je večina staršev, ki se je tečaja udeležila, visoko izobraženih. Skupno je bilo v letih 2000 in 2015 na vadbi kar 76,7 % staršev z zaključeno najmanj visoko šolo/fakulteto, vendar visoka izobrazba staršev ni statistično značilno povezana z višjim številom obiskov na vadbi. Poleg tega je kar 57,8 % staršev ocenilo, da je bil otrok v obdobju tečaja bolj gibalno živahen, zaradi česar lahko prej doseže predvidene gibalne stopnje in je v odnosih s sovrstniki in ostalimi bolj suveren oziroma samozavesten.
Izkazalo se je tudi, da dojenčki najmanj jočejo ali ne jočejo s starši, ki prihajajo na vadbo redno (predvsem z materami), saj se tako lažje navadijo na novo okolje. Poleg tega smo ugotovili, da so pred vpisom na vadbo dojenčkov in malčkov v vodi očetje bolj telesno aktivni kot matere. Statistično pomembna razlika med letoma 2000 in 2015 se je pokazala pri pojavu lakote otroka po vadbi, saj so imeli dojenčki in malčki leta 2015 večji apetit kot tisti iz leta 2000.
Vadbo v vodi za dojenčke in malčke vsekakor priporočamo vsakemu staršu, ki bi rad novo okolje – vodo – predstavil otroku in ga vodil skozi proces spoznavanja in prilagajanja na to povsem drugačno okolje. Skozi ta proces se lahko vez med dojenčkom/malčkom in staršem/a dodatno utrdi, saj dojenček skozi celoten program plavanja začuti, da se lahko ob starših vedno počuti varno.
šport;plavanje;novorojenček;dojenček;malček;kognitivni razvoj;čustveni razvoj;socialni razvoj;gibalni razvoj;refleksi;gibanje;pomen staršev;vadba v vodi;pogoji za vadbo v bazenu;gibanje v vodi;tečaj vadbe;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport |
Publisher: |
[S. Saražin] |
UDC: |
797.21-053.3 |
Views: |
807 |
Downloads: |
263 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Analysis of swimming lessons for babies and toddlers in years 2000 and 2015 |
Secondary abstract: |
In this master thesis we were mainly interested in how swimming lessons for babies and toddlers affect their needs, what is the effect of parental presence on their behaviuor during the swimming lessons and the characteristics of parents that enroll in the swimming lessons for babies and toddlers. We also looked for differences (between year 2000 and 2015) in babies behavior in his needs between and after swimming lessons. Comparing between the year 2000 and 2015 the aim was to discover if there was any statisticaly significant difference, that would suggest an improved/worsened wellbeing of a baby/toddler during or after the swimming lessons. The source of analysis was a questionnare containing 38 questions regarding the wellbeing of a baby or toddler during and after the swimming lessons.
We found that most parents that are attending swimming lessons for babies and toddlers are highly educated as 76,7 % of them had a bachelor or a higher educational degree. We also found that higher education did not mean higher attendance of swimming lessons between parents who enrolled in the swimming course. 57,8 % of parents also observed that the baby/toddler was more daily physically active during the duration of the course. This can benefit the baby/toddler in a way of faster physical development and therefore higher sovereignty and self-confidence in relations with peers and others.
We found that the babies and toddlers of those parents who are more frequent on swimming lessons cry less than other babies and toddlers (especially with mothers). Being frequent on swimming lessons helps them to get used to the new environment. We also found that fathers are more physically active than mothers before attending swimming lessons for babies and toddlers. There was a statistically significant difference in babies and toddlers hunger after the swimming lessons between years as the babies/toddler in 2015 had higher apetite.
We recommend swimming lessons for babies and toddlers to all parents who would like to introduce a new environment called water to their baby or toddler Parents and course instructor guide the baby/toddler through the process of introducing and adapting to this different environment. This way through the duration of swimming course the bond between baby/toddler and parent gets stronger. |
Secondary keywords: |
sport;swimming;babies;toddlers;swim lessons;activity; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport |
Pages: |
76 f. |
ID: |
10962486 |