magistrsko delo
Jan Jereb (Author), Mateja Videmšek (Reviewer), Gregor Starc (Consultant), Marjeta Kovač (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali cirkuške veščine in cirkuško pedagogiko. Opredelili smo ključne pojme in se pri tem osredotočili predvsem na predstavitev cirkuških veščin in njihovih vplivov na posameznika, posebej na njegove gibalne sposobnosti. Predstavili smo že obstoječo veljavo cirkuške pedagogike v slovenskem šolskem prostoru in smiselnost vpeljave cirkuških veščin v pouk športne vzgoje. Ob pregledu literature smo ugotovili, da se temeljna izhodišča cirkuške pedagogike in športne vzgoje smiselno ujemajo in dopolnjujejo, nismo pa našli kvantitativnih raziskav o pozitivnih vplivih cirkuških veščin na posameznika, kar otežuje vpeljavo cirkuških veščin v redni pouk športne vzgoje. Učitelji športne vzgoje med študijem na Fakulteti za šport ne pridobijo znanj za samostojno poučevanje cirkuških veščin, zato predpostavljamo, da jim primanjkuje znanj za njihovo kakovostno poučevanje. Namen naloge je predstaviti cirkuški veščini žongliranje z različnimi pripomočki in akrobatiko, pri kateri smo se osredotočili na gradnjo človeških piramid, ter postopke poučevanja za vsako posebej. Pri didaktični razčlenitvi smo upoštevali didaktično načelo postopnosti, v katerem si naloge sledijo od lažjih do težjih do želenega cilja. Dejavnosti z vsakim pripomočkom smo uvrstili v posamezna vzgojno-izobraževalna obdobja v osnovni šoli, ki so najprimernejša za poučevanje posamezne veščine. Naloge so opisane po naprej začrtani strukturi (namen, navodila za izvedbo in napotki za učitelja), kompleksnejše pa so tudi predstavljene s slikovnim gradivom (fotografije). Predstavljene naloge so le osnova za poučevanje cirkuških veščin. Cirkuška pedagogika ni le gibalno učenje cirkuških veščin, temveč tudi učinkovita metoda uresničevanja socialno-pedagoških ciljev pouka. Na področju cirkuških veščin je še veliko prostora za kvantitativne raziskave vplivov posameznih veščin predvsem na gibalni razvoj posameznika, možnost vključitve cirkuških veščin v šolski prostor pa ni omejena le na pouk športne vzgoje.


šport;športna vzgoja;cirkus;zgodovina cirkusa;cirkuška pedagogika;cirkuške veščine;pouk;žongliranje;pripomočki;vaje;skupinska akrobatika;osnovna šola;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [J. Jereb]
UDC: 37+796:791.83
COBISS: 5507249 Link will open in a new window
Views: 876
Downloads: 349
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Introducing circus skills in physical education
Secondary abstract: In this master thesis circus skills and circus pedagogy are introduced. We defined key concepts where we focused on presenting circus skills and their influence on an individual, especially on his/her motor abilities. We presented the already existing value of circus pedagogy in Slovenian schools and why we should include circus skills in physical education. On the basis of studied literature, we found correspondence between basic principles of circus pedagogy and physical education. However, we didn't find any quantitative research about positive influences of circus skills on individuals, which in turn makes the introduction of circus skills in physical education difficult. During their studies at the Faculty of sport in Ljubljana, physical education teachers do not acquire enough knowledge about circus skills and its benefits to be able to understand and introduce these methods in their future classes. The purpose of this master thesis is to introduce circus skills of juggling with different props and acrobatics with the focus on how to build as well as how to teach building human pyramids. Through the didactic analyze we considered the didactic principle of gradualness, where practices develop from easier to harder to accomplish desired goals. All the different activites with the props were planned out according to how appropriate they were for educational purposes. We also classified them for specific educational phases for primary school classes. Practices have the forward set structure (purpose, performance instructions and instructions for the teacher), more complex practices are also represented by pictures. Represented practices are just the basis for teaching circus skills. Circus pedagogy is not only physical learning of circus skills but also an effective method of achieving social-pedagogic goals of lessons. There is a lot of possibilities for quantitative research in the field of circus skills and their influence on motor skills. The possibility of including circus skills in school is not limited only on physical education classes.
Secondary keywords: sport;physical education;primary school;circus;circus skills;circus pedagogy;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 109 f.
ID: 11061071