diplomsko delo
Barbara Zorc (Avtor), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Ocenjevanje športne vzgoje

Ključne besede

športna vzgoja


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [B. Zorc]
UDK: 796:37.091.26(043.2)
COBISS: 8911689 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 820
Št. prenosov: 347
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Grading physical education
Sekundarni povzetek: As regards to the evaluation of the physical education, teachers and sports educators have inconsistent and heterogeneous opinions. The first group is convinced that the one-word grades are the way to go; the second group is all for the numeric grading; the third group vouches for the narrative and the fourth wants to eliminate the grades altogether. Our present regulations on examining, evaluating and advancement of students to the next grade in our nine-level elementary schools are cemented in the fact that in the first trimester assessment be descriptive and in the second, numeric. In my research I wanted to see whether the teachers agree with the existing system or not. The main objective of this thesis was to determine which method of the evaluation of physical education seems most appropriate for teachers for first and second triad, their opinion about advantages and disadvantages of different methods of assessing, the amount of time needed to create a descriptive assessment, problems arising from the descriptive assessment and the proposals for improvement of such evaluation. That is what I tried to find in the empirical work in which I conducted a survey among primary school teachers in Dolenjska region. The study involved 138 teachers from 23 different schools, to whom I sent anonymous questionnaires by mail. It contained four open type questions and two closed ones. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was based on the data collected by the questionnaire, therefore the results give the actual facts. For the processing of data I used the basic narrative and descriptive statistics of variables. Then I compiled the responses and expressed the number in percentages. The results showed that the teachers prefer to evaluate physical education with descriptive assessment in the first trimester, and numerical in the second. The advantage of the descriptive assessment is that the word can accurately describe the accomplishments, knowledge and progress as well as weaknesses; and that it increasingly takes into account students effort, accuracy and performance. The child is respected as an individual. The advantage of numerical assessment is that it motivates them more and they put more effort into their work. Also the parents and students can understand it better. The numerical assessment accurately identifies students' knowledge; they have a better idea about it. Disadvantages of numerical estimates are that physical education students may not be assessed the same according to measurable criteria. Such assessment does not take into account the child as an individual. The descriptive evaluation takes a lot of teachers time and requires very detailed work. Teachers also have difficult creating a descriptive assessment and using appropriate terminology. Descriptive assessment must be written professionally, accurately, understandably and objectively, so that it is clear both to the parent and student. One single word can change the whole meaning. As a result, giving grades and standards sometimes appears to be too technical and parents cannot understand it.
Sekundarne ključne besede: physical education;marking;primary school;športna vzgoja;ocenjevanje;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: VII, 101 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Grading physical education
Ključne besede (ePrints): športna vzgoja
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): physical education
Povzetek (ePrints): Glede ocenjevanja športne vzgoje imajo tako učitelji kot športni pedagogi zelo neenotna, heterogena mnenja. Eni zagovarjajo besedno oceno, drugi številčno, tretji opisno, četrti pa so proti vsakršnemu ocenjevanju. S Pravilnikom o preverjanju in ocenjevanju ter napredovanju učencev v devetletni osnovni šoli je uzakonjeno, da je v prvem triletju ocenjevanje opisno in v drugem triletju številčno. Z raziskavo sem hotela ugotoviti, ali se učitelji z obstoječim sistemom strinjajo ali ne. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kateri način ocenjevanja športne vzgoje se zdi učiteljem najprimernejši za prvo in drugo triado, kakšne so po njihovem mnenju prednosti in slabosti različnih načinov ocenjevanja, koliko časa potrebujejo za oblikovanje opisne ocene, kakšne težave se pojavljajo pri opisnem ocenjevanju in kakšni so predlogi za izboljšave tovrstnega ocenjevanja. To sem skušala ugotoviti v empiričnem delu, v okviru katerega sem izvedla raziskavo med učitelji razrednega pouka z Dolenjske. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 138 učiteljev iz 23 različnih šol, katerim sem po pošti poslala anonimne vprašalnike. Le-ti so vsebovali 4 vprašanja odprtega in dva zaprtega tipa. Kvalitativna in kvantitativna analiza sta bili izvedeni na podlagi podatkov, zbranih z vprašalnikom, zato rezultati podajajo dejansko stanje. Pri obdelavi podatkov sem uporabila osnovno opisno oziroma deskriptivno statistiko spremenljivk. Seštela sem odgovore in število izrazila še z odstotki. Rezultati so pokazali, da se zdi učiteljem najprimernejši način ocenjevanja športne vzgoje v prvem triletju opisno ocenjevanje, v drugem pa številčno. Prednost opisne ocene je, da z besedo lahko natančno opišemo dosežke, znanje in napredek, pa tudi pomanjkljivosti, in da se v njej bolj upoštevajo učenčev trud, natančnost, zmogljivost. Otrok je upoštevan kot posameznik. Prednost številčne ocene je, da le-ta učence bolj motivira in se zanjo bolj potrudijo ter da je staršem in učencem bolj razumljiva. Natančno opredeli znanje učencev in imajo o njem boljšo predstavo. Slabosti številčne ocene so, da le-te pri športni vzgoji ne morejo biti enako merljive in kriteriji enaki za vse učence. Ocena ne upošteva otroka kot posameznika. Opisno ocenjevanje učiteljem vzame veliko časa in zahteva zelo poglobljeno delo, težave pa imajo tudi pri oblikovanju opisne ocene in uporabi terminologije. Opisna ocena mora biti napisana strokovno, natančno, razumljivo in objektivno, da je jasna tako staršem kot učencu. Ena sama beseda lahko spremeni celoten pomen. Težava opisnega ocenjevanja je posledično ta, da je zapis ocen in standardov včasih preveč strokoven in staršem nerazumljiv.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): As regards to the evaluation of the physical education, teachers and sports educators have inconsistent and heterogeneous opinions. The first group is convinced that the one-word grades are the way to go; the second group is all for the numeric grading; the third group vouches for the narrative and the fourth wants to eliminate the grades altogether. Our present regulations on examining, evaluating and advancement of students to the next grade in our nine-level elementary schools are cemented in the fact that in the first trimester assessment be descriptive and in the second, numeric. In my research I wanted to see whether the teachers agree with the existing system or not. The main objective of this thesis was to determine which method of the evaluation of physical education seems most appropriate for teachers for first and second triad, their opinion about advantages and disadvantages of different methods of assessing, the amount of time needed to create a descriptive assessment, problems arising from the descriptive assessment and the proposals for improvement of such evaluation. That is what I tried to find in the empirical work in which I conducted a survey among primary school teachers in Dolenjska region. The study involved 138 teachers from 23 different schools, to whom I sent anonymous questionnaires by mail. It contained four open type questions and two closed ones. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was based on the data collected by the questionnaire, therefore the results give the actual facts. For the processing of data I used the basic narrative and descriptive statistics of variables. Then I compiled the responses and expressed the number in percentages. The results showed that the teachers prefer to evaluate physical education with descriptive assessment in the first trimester, and numerical in the second. The advantage of the descriptive assessment is that the word can accurately describe the accomplishments, knowledge and progress as well as weaknesses; and that it increasingly takes into account students effort, accuracy and performance. The child is respected as an individual. The advantage of numerical assessment is that it motivates them more and they put more effort into their work. Also the parents and students can understand it better. The numerical assessment accurately identifies students' knowledge; they have a better idea about it. Disadvantages of numerical estimates are that physical education students may not be assessed the same according to measurable criteria. Such assessment does not take into account the child as an individual. The descriptive evaluation takes a lot of teachers time and requires very detailed work. Teachers also have difficult creating a descriptive assessment and using appropriate terminology. Descriptive assessment must be written professionally, accurately, understandably and objectively, so that it is clear both to the parent and student. One single word can change the whole meaning. As a result, giving grades and standards sometimes appears to be too technical and parents cannot understand it.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): physical education
ID: 8308210
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo
, diplomsko delo
, diplomsko delo