diplomsko delo
Dajana Diklić (Avtor), Tjaša Filipčič (Mentor)


Prilagajanje športne vzgoje učencem z astmo

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [D. Diklić]
UDK: 796:61(043.2)
COBISS: 9595465 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1150
Št. prenosov: 215
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Adapting physical education to pupils with asthma
Sekundarni povzetek: Asthma »is the most common chronic disease among children« (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs307/en/index.html). This disease affects the small airways in the lungs, which are hypersensitive to one or more triggers. During the asthma attack airways narrow, airway mucosa swells and secretion of mucus increases. That makes breathing more difficult, especially exhalation (Corrigan, Berger, Meredith, Jenkis and Mason, 2009). Pupils with asthma are chronically ill children. That is why they are classified as children with special needs (http://www.zrss.si/default.asp?rub=3502). This thesis deals with an area which can be problematic for pupils with asthma, that is with physical education for pupils with asthma. In the theoretical part of my thesis I described what asthma is, what are its symptoms, what causes and triggers the disease, how asthma is diagnosed and how it is treated. Next, there is a chapter about pupils with asthma in school: what kind of problems they are facing, what a teacher has to know about asthma and how things in school need to be adapted for a pupil with asthma. Further on, I explained what exercise – induced asthma is, if people with asthma can do sports, how sport influences asthma and which adjustments can be used in teaching physical education a pupil with asthma. In the practical part of the thesis I used the questionnaire as the research method to find outto which extent the sports teachers are familiar with asthma, what adjustments they are using for teaching pupils with asthma, do children with asthma regularly participate in physical education and what kind of grades they have. 66 sports teachers, who work in primary schools in Podravska region, answered the questionnaire. The results of the survey showed that most of the sports teachers have worked with pupils with asthma, but 65% of them do not feel qualified for that kind of work. The knowledge about which measures to take at an asthma attack varies from one professor to another. All the sports teachers are aware of the importance of physical education to pupils with asthma. Their pupils with asthma practise regularly and have the same grades as pupils without asthma. Sports teachers adapt physical education to pupils with asthma, some of them also adapt assessment and grading.
Sekundarne ključne besede: physical education;primary school;športna vzgoja;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Strani: 56 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Adapting physical education to pupils with asthma
Ključne besede (ePrints): astma
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): asthma
Povzetek (ePrints): Astma je najbolj pogosta kronična bolezen otrok (WHO, 2011). Ta bolezen vpliva na male dihalne poti v pljučih, ki so preobčutljive na enega ali več dražljivcev. Pri astmatičnem napadu se dihalne poti zožijo, sluznica dihalnih poti oteče, poveča se izločanje sluzi. To otežuje dihanje, posebej izdih (Corrigan, Berger, Meredith, Jenkis in Mason, 2009). Učenci z astmo sodijo med dolgotrajno bolne otroke in kot takšni med otroke s posebnimi potrebami (http://www.zrss.si/default.asp?rub=3502). To diplomsko delo se ukvarja z enim področjem, na katerem lahko imajo učenci z astmo težave zaradi svoje bolezni; ukvarja se s športno vzgojo pri učencih z astmo. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala, kaj je astma, kateri so simptomi, vzroki in sprožilci bolezni, kako se astma diagnosticira ter kako se zdravi. Temu sledi poglavje o učencih z astmo v šoli: s kakšnimi težavami se srečujejo, kaj mora učitelj vedeti o astmi ter kaj učencu lahko prilagaja. Nato je razloženo, kaj je astma, povzročena z naporom, ali se oseba z astmo lahko ukvarja s športom, kakšen je vpliv športa na astmo ter katere prilagoditve se lahko uporabljajo pri športni vzgoji, kadar imamo v razredu učenca z astmo. V empiričnem delu sem preko vprašalnika raziskala, koliko so profesorji športne vzgoje seznanjeni z astmo, katere prilagoditve uporabljajo pri pouku, ali se učenci z astmo pouka športne vzgoje udeležujejo redno in kakšne ocene imajo pri tem predmetu. Na vprašalnik je odgovorilo 66 profesorjev športne vzgoje, ki delajo v osnovnih šolah na območju Podravske regije. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se je večina profesorjev športne vzgoje srečala z učenci z astmo, vendar se jih kar 65 % ne počuti dovolj kompetentnih za delo z učenci z astmo. Znanje o ukrepih ob astmatičnem napadu se razlikuje od profesorja do profesorja, vsi pa se zavedajo pomena športne vzgoje pri učencih z astmo. Njihovi učenci z astmo so redno vključeni v vadbo in imajo enake ocene kot vrstniki brez astme. Pouk športne vzgoje učencem z astmo prilagajajo, nekaj manj jih prilagaja tudi preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Asthma »is the most common chronic disease among children« (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs307/en/index.html). This disease affects the small airways in the lungs, which are hypersensitive to one or more triggers. During the asthma attack airways narrow, airway mucosa swells and secretion of mucus increases. That makes breathing more difficult, especially exhalation (Corrigan, Berger, Meredith, Jenkis and Mason, 2009). Pupils with asthma are chronically ill children. That is why they are classified as children with special needs (http://www.zrss.si/default.asp?rub=3502). This thesis deals with an area which can be problematic for pupils with asthma, that is with physical education for pupils with asthma. In the theoretical part of my thesis I described what asthma is, what are its symptoms, what causes and triggers the disease, how asthma is diagnosed and how it is treated. Next, there is a chapter about pupils with asthma in school: what kind of problems they are facing, what a teacher has to know about asthma and how things in school need to be adapted for a pupil with asthma. Further on, I explained what exercise – induced asthma is, if people with asthma can do sports, how sport influences asthma and which adjustments can be used in teaching physical education a pupil with asthma. In the practical part of the thesis I used the questionnaire as the research method to find outto which extent the sports teachers are familiar with asthma, what adjustments they are using for teaching pupils with asthma, do children with asthma regularly participate in physical education and what kind of grades they have. 66 sports teachers, who work in primary schools in Podravska region, answered the questionnaire. The results of the survey showed that most of the sports teachers have worked with pupils with asthma, but 65% of them do not feel qualified for that kind of work. The knowledge about which measures to take at an asthma attack varies from one professor to another. All the sports teachers are aware of the importance of physical education to pupils with asthma. Their pupils with asthma practise regularly and have the same grades as pupils without asthma. Sports teachers adapt physical education to pupils with asthma, some of them also adapt assessment and grading.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): asthma
ID: 8311315