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Jaka Lenart (Author), Goran Vučković (Reviewer), Matic Vidic (Consultant), Frane Erčulj (Mentor)


Košarka 3x3, prvotno ulična košarka (angl. »streetball«), je športna igra dveh ekip s po tremi igralci (3 proti 3) na en koš. Je urbana športna panoga, ki je v zadnjih desetih letih doživela silovit razcvet, leta 2020 pa bo ta športna disciplina prvič del olimpijskih iger. Namen magistrskega dela je bil predstaviti osnovne značilnosti košarke 3x3 – zgodovinski pregled, pravila in sistem tekmovanj na državnem in mednarodnem klubskem ter reprezentančnem nivoju v vseh starostnih kategorijah. Naredili smo pregled tekem vseh slovenskih reprezentanc v košarki 3x3 ter pripravili večno lestvico nastopov. Z analizo statističnih podatkov minulega svetovnega prvenstva v košarki 3x3 in svetovnega prvenstva v košarki smo primerjali povprečno starost in višino košarkarjev ter strukturo metov pri obeh športnih panogah. Na kratko smo predstavili tudi ključne akterje pri razvoju in uspehih slovenske košarke 3x3. Glavnina podatkov je bila pridobljena s spletne strani FIBA 3x3, spletne strani Košarkarske zveze Slovenije in s pomočjo vodje tekmovanj košarke 3x3 pri Košarkarski zvezi Slovenije Matica Vidica. Predstavitev vidnejših akterjev slovenske košarke 3x3 pa smo pripravili s pomočjo vprašalnikov in osebnih pogovorov. Slovenija velja za eno izmed najuspešnejših držav v košarki 3x3, ki je pomembno vlogo odigrala tudi pri razvoju te discipline. Na naših tleh je leta 2004 potekalo prvo državno prvenstvo na svetu, Košarkarska zveza Slovenije je kot prva organizirala tudi uradno državno prvenstvo za osnovne in srednje šole. Ugotavljamo, da je pred košarko 3x3 pomembno obdobje. Umestitev na program olimpijskih iger, vse večji nagradni skladi in množičnost tekmovanj obetajo temu športu svetlo prihodnost. Na drugi strani pa se bodo vodilni možje v tej športni panogi v prihodnjih letih morali soočiti tudi z vprašanji o trajanju sezone, ženskih klubskih tekmovanjih, povezavi košarke in košarke 3x3 ipd.


šport;košarka;košarka 3x3;ulična košarka;pravila;sistem tekmovanj;tekmovalni sistemi;olimpijske igre;slovenske reprezentance;državno prvenstvo;evropska prvenstva;svetovna prvenstva;sredozemske igre;liga prvakov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [J. Lenart]
UDC: 796.323:711.73
COBISS: 5563313 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1504
Downloads: 387
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Basketball 3x3
Secondary abstract: Basketball 3x3, also streetball, is a sport game of two teams with three players (3 on 3) on one hoop. It is an urban sport that has experienced a boom in the last ten years, and in 2020 this sports discipline will be part of the Olympic Games for the first time. The purpose of the master's thesis was to present the basic characteristics of basketball 3x3 - historical overview, rules and system of competitions at the national and international level in all age categories. We made a review of the matches of all Slovenian national teams and prepared an all time ranking list of performances. By comparing the statistics of the previous World Basketball Championship 3x3 and World Basketball Championship, we compared the average age and height of basketball players and the structure of shoots in both sports. We briefly presented the key players and organizers in the development and success of Slovenian basketball 3x3. The most of the data was obtained from the FIBA 3x3 website, the website of the Basketball Federation of Slovenia and with the help of the 3x3 Basketball Manager of the Basketball Association of Slovenia, Matic Vidic. A presentation of the most important actors of Slovenian basketball 3x3 was prepared using questionnaires and personal interviews. Slovenia is considered one of the most successful countries in basketball 3x3, which played an important role in the development of this discipline. In 2004, the first national championship in the world was held in Slovenia, and the Basketball Federation of Slovenia was the first to organize the official national championship for primary and secondary schools. We found out that a 3x3 basketball is in front an important period. Placing on the program of the Olympic Games, increasing prize pools and the mass of competitions promising this sport a bright future. On the other hand, the leading men in this sport in the coming years will also have to face questions about the duration of the season, women's club competitions, connection basketball and basketball 3x3, and so on.
Secondary keywords: sport;basketball;basketball 3x3;streetball;competition systems;Olympic games;Slovenian national teams;national championship;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 100 f.
ID: 11158889