magistrsko delo
Ajda Centa (Author), Gregor Geršak (Mentor), Igor Areh (Co-mentor)


Vsesplošno zanimanje za ugotavljanje zavajanja v smislu zavestnega neresničnega podajanja informacij z namenom zavajati v zmoto je že dolgo prisotno in potreba po prepoznavanju prevar v vsakdanjiku ali v kriminalnih okoliščinah je nujna. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je laganje izjemno kompleksno družbeno vedenje, ki ne vključuje samo enega kognitivnega procesa, temveč gre za kombinacijo več procesov, npr. delovnega spomina, inhibicije in odzivnega upravljanja. Magistrsko delo začnem z iskanjem ustrezne definicije zavajanja in s pregledom sodobnejših tehnik njegovega odkrivanja. Večji poudarek je na psihofizioloških meritvah, predvsem na tehniki slikanja toplotnega polja s pomočjo termografske kamere. V empiričnem delu gre za oblikovano laboratorijsko raziskavo, kjer je bil naš cilj oceniti točnost prepoznave psihofizioloških odzivov glede na resnično ali neresnično zgodbo z uporabo merilnih instrumentov. Raziskava se je začela in zaključila z vodenjem devetih udeležencev skozi polstrukturirani intervju. Udeleženec je pred meritvami rešil vprašalnik STAI-X1 (angl. State–Trait Anxiety Inventory) o stopnji vznemirjenosti, nato je sledil osrednji del raziskave z merjenjem. V prvem delu je merjena oseba odgovarjala na postavljena nevtralna in primerjalna vprašanja. V drugem delu je sledilo pripovedovanje resnične in neresnične zgodbe, kjer smo spodbudili tehniko kognitivne obremenitve, saj so imeli udeleženci samo dve minuti ali manj časa za pripravo na odgovore. Predpostavljali smo, prvič, da bo med pripovedovanjem zgodb z izključno resničnimi elementi ali z izključno lažnimi elementi opazna temperaturna razlika na obrazu pripovedovalca glede na izbrana področja zanimanja (angl. Region of interest – ROI) in drugič, da se bosta srčni utrip in kožna prevodnost med pripovedovanjem lažne zgodbe povečala, medtem ko se bo temperatura kože na prstnih blazinicah znižala. Rezultati niso pokazali statistično pomembnih razlik med resnično in lažno zgodbo za nobeno meritev med merjenimi osebami in pri vsakem posamezniku posebej, manjše razlike med zgodbama pa so vseeno prisotne. Magistrsko delo zaključim s pregledom področja psihofiziološkega ugotavljanja zavajanja s kritičnim pristopom do uporabe omenjenih merilnih instrumentov, s poudarkom na pomembnih omejitvah, ki so morebiti vodile v nezmožnost prepoznave zavajanja, ter s predlogi za raziskovanje v prihodnosti.


kognitivna obremenitev;psihofiziologija;termografska kamera;ugotavljanje zavajanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Centa]
UDC: 165.194(043.2)
COBISS: 12611145 Link will open in a new window
Views: 806
Downloads: 91
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Deception and thermal imagers
Secondary abstract: The scientific widespread search for deception detection, in the sense of detecting deliberate attempts to mislead others, has long been and still is a present struggle of everyday life. It has been found that lying is an extremely complex social behaviour that does involve several cognitive processes. The right indicators of deception can be revealed with specific verbal and nonverbal behaviour, or more specific, with the help of physiological signals that can be measured with a vast variety of technologies. In our study, we were investigating deception detection while placing more emphasis on psychophysiological measures with the use of a non-invasive thermal imaging technology, which can be used in stress level detection based on facial thermal readings. In the empirical part of the laboratory study, our goal was to evaluate the accuracy of the recognition of psychophysiological responses during the narration of true and untrue stories. The research protocol began and ended with the conduct of a semi-structured interview which should made participants more comfortable with the environment. Before measurement, the participants filled out the STAI-X1 (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) questionnaire about the level of anxiety, followed by the central part of the survey. In the first part, there was a control measurement, where participants answered a set of neutral and comparative questions. The second part followed the narration of a true and an untrue story where we used the technique of a stimulated cognitive load, as participants had a maximum of two minutes for preparation. First, we assumed that between a true and a false story there is a noticeable temperature difference on the narrator’s face with regard to the selected regions of interest (ROI), and second that heart rate (HR) and electrodermal activity (EDA) will increase, while temperature of hands will decrease when telling the false story. The results did not show statistically significant differences between true and lied story for any measurement compared between measured participants and within each participant individually, but slight differences still appeared. I conclude my master thesis as a review in the field of psychophysiological detection of deception with a critical approach to the use of the measuring instruments, focusing on important limitations that may have led to the inability to recognize the deception and by proposing suggestions for future research.
Secondary keywords: cognitive psychology;kognitivna psihologija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, skupni interdisciplinarni program druge stopnje Kognitivna znanost, v sodelovanju z Universität Wien, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave in Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Pages: 56 str.
ID: 11236237