(diplomsko delo)
Monika Klančnik (Author), Jernej Završnik (Mentor), Barbara Kegl (Co-mentor)


Bronhitis je zelo pogosto obolenje pri otrocih v predšolskem obdobju, zato smo v zaključnem delu ugotavljali osveščenost staršev o bronhitisu in ukrepih. Zanimalo nas je, če otroci, ki obiskujejo vrtec pogosteje obolevajo za tem obolenjem kot ostali, ki vrtca ne obiskujejo. Raziskovalna metodologija: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela ter kvantitativno metodologijo. Podatke za raziskovalni del smo pridobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, na vprašanje pa je odgovorilo 30 staršev predšolskih otrok. Rezultati: Starši poznajo obolenje bronhitis, vendar se je z njim srečala manj kot tretjina otrok anketiranih oseb. Pri vseh se je kot simptom pokazal težko dihanje in kašelj, kar je tudi sicer najpogostejši simptom. Ukrepe pri bronhitisu poznajo bolj slabo. Prav tako pa jih je le tretjina mnenja, da obiskovanje vrtca povečuje tveganost za obolevnost njihovega otroka. Diskusija in zaključek: Obolenje bronhitis je pogosto predvsem pri predšolskih otrocih in v hladnih mesecih. Z dobrimi preventivnimi ukrepi in znanjem, ki bi ga starši lahko dobili od zdravstvenih delavcev, bi lahko to obolenje preprečili in ga omejili. Veliko staršev išče informacije preko interneta, kjer vsi viri niso zanesljivi. Z dobrimi navodili zdravstvenih delavcev, vestnimi starši, ki le te ukrepe izpolnjujejo, ter dobrimi vzgojitelji, ki opozorijo na obolenje, lahko zmanjšamo razširjenost RSV virusa in posledično bronhitisa.


vrtčevski otroci;okužba zgornjih dihal;bronhitis;starši;medicinske sestre;pogosta obolenja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Klančnik]
UDC: 616.3-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 2551716 Link will open in a new window
Views: 681
Downloads: 92
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Awareness of parents of preschool children with bronchitis
Secondary abstract: Bronchitis is very common infection among pre-school children. Therefore, we have investigated the awareness of the parents about bronchitis and measures. We wondered if the kids who attend kindergarten get infected frequently as the kids who don’t. Research method: We used descriptive and quantitative methods. Our results were gained by the survey, to which 30 parents of pre-school children answered. Results: Parents know the bronchitis disease, but less then third of the respondents child has it. In all cases, difficulty in breathing and coughing has shown as a symptom, which is the most common symptom anyway. Only third respondents know which measures are necessary when bronchitis starts and just third of asked parents think that visiting the kindergarten increases the risk of their child's morbidity. Discussion & conclusion: During the writing of the thesis, in various sources we found bronchitis is very common disease in pre-school children and in cold months. Parents could limit bronchitis if they were regardful forward preventive measures, experience and knowledge of nurses, instead a lot of them prefer searching for information over the internet, where sources could be unreliable. Because nurses give directions on how to react when disease already begins, parents do not have to visit a doctor. The incidence of bronchitis will decrease when nurses gives accurate directions and advices, when parents follow them and when educators alert parents if they notice beginning of inflammation.
Secondary keywords: kindergarden children;upper respiratory tract infection;bronchitis;parents;nurse;nursingfrequent illness;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 14 f., 9 f. pril.
ID: 11254682