magistrsko delo
Blaž Kavčič (Author), Mihaela Brumen (Mentor), Matjaž Duh (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo raziskali in preizkusili pristop CLIL s konkretnim instrumentarijem pri pouku likovne umetnosti. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo se osredotočili na pristop CLIL, njegov pomen za poučevanje ter pregledali dosedanje raziskave na tem področju. Pozornost smo namenili tudi pouku likovne umetnosti in poiskali stičišče, kjer se lahko pristop CLIL in pouk likovne umetnosti srečata. V praktičnem delu smo razvili instrumentarij za uporabo pristopa CLIL, ki bo v pomoč tako učiteljem razrednega pouka, ki bodo poučevali tuji jezik pri pouku likovne umetnosti, kot učiteljem tujega jezika, ki bodo vključevali tuji jezik pri pouku likovne umetnosti na razredni stopnji osnovne šole. Instrumentarij smo oblikovali po treh glavnih kriterijih. Predstavili smo tipične cilje, konkretne dejavnosti pri pouku likovne umetnosti in pripomočke, ki bi jih učitelji razrednega pouka ali tujega jezika lahko uporabljali pri pristopu CLIL. V tretjem razredu osnovne šole smo izvedli 5 učnih enot pouka likovne umetnosti v tujem jeziku. Učenci so po izvedbi instrumentarija izrazili pozitivna stališča do pristopa CLIL. Iz refleksij izvajalca je razvidno, da so učenci čez izvedbo dosegli večino zastavljenih učnih ciljev tujega jezika. Po mnenju učiteljice razrednega pouka in analize likovnih del otrok so učenci v večini dosegli tudi cilje likovne umetnosti. Tako izvajalec kot učiteljica menita, da je pristop zanimiv, ker je podkrepljen z različnimi vizualnimi pripomočki in demonstracijami, tako da lahko učenci sledijo učni enoti pouka likovne umetnosti v tujem jeziku.


magistrska dela;CLIL;poučevanje tujega jezika;likovna umetnost;didaktični pripomoček;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [B. Kavčič]
UDC: 37.091.3:81'243:73/76(043.2)
COBISS: 16479747 Link will open in a new window
Views: 973
Downloads: 252
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Teaching fine arts in foreign languages at the primary level
Secondary abstract: In the master's thesis we explored and tested the CLIL approach with specific instruments in the teaching of fine arts. In the theoretical part we focused on the CLIL approach, its importance for teaching, and reviewed up-to-date research made in this field. The focus was on fine arts lessons and the integration of the CLIL approach in the foreign language talk. In the practical part we developed the CLIL approach instruments which may help primary school teachers who teach a foreign language in fine arts classes, and foreign language teachers who will include a foreign language in fine arts classes at the primary school level. The instruments were designed based on three main criteria. We presented typical goals, specific activities used in fine art classes, and tools that primary school teachers or foreign language teachers might use in the implementation of CLIL approach in fine arts lessons. 5 fine arts lessons in English as a foreign language were taught with one class of the eight year olds. The evaluation shows that pupils accepted the CLIL approach positively. The reflection of their teacher and the evaluation of the external teacher show that the majority of the foreign language objectives were achieved. According to the primary school teacher's opinion and the analysis of children's art products most of the goals of the fine art lessons were accomplished. The student teacher finds the approach interesting because it is supported by a variety of visual aids, demonstrations and body language that help students follow the unit of fine art in a foreign language.
Secondary keywords: master theses;CLIL approach;teaching foreign languages;fine art;didactic materials;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: XII, 183 str.
ID: 11422652