diplomsko delo
V diplomskem delu sem predstavila pomen družinske pismenosti in kako ta vpliva za razvoj in učenja govora pri predšolskem otroku. Delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila razvoj govora predšolskega otroka in ga razdelila na predjezikovno in jezikovno obdobje, sledili so dejavniki govornega razvoja (kakovost družinskega okolja, sociodemografske značilnosti družine, otrokov spol, vrtec in genetski dejavniki). Nato sem opredelila pomen pismenosti, vrste pismenosti in opisala pomembne vrste pismenosti, ki se uporabljajo v predšolskem obdobju. Opisala sem družinsko pismenost, pomembnost branja otrokom, kakovostno knjigo, branje kakovostne knjige oz. slikanice, napisala sem nekaj smernic do uspešnega branja in kako lahko na družinsko pismenost vplivajo pedagoški delavci. Potem sem predstavila nekaj smernic spodbujanja govornega razvoja otrok, vlogo odraslih (staršev oz. skrbnikov) in pomembnost skupnega branja staršev in otrok. Predstavila sem še motivacijo in interes za branje z otroki, spodbujanje pripovedovanja zgodb pri otroku, vlogo knjig brez besedila ter simbolno igro otrok, ki ima velik vpliv na razvoj govora, in druge dejavnosti, ki se dogajajo zunaj družinskega kroga, kot je obisk knjižnice ali gledališča.
V empiričnem delu sem s pomočjo anonimnega spletnega anketnega vprašalnika izvedla raziskavo o pomenu družinske pismenosti za razvoj in učenje govora predšolskega otroka. Anketa je imela 6 splošnih vprašanj in 16 vprašanj o temi, ki sem jo raziskovala. V sedmih dneh jo je rešilo 137 anketirancev. Rezultate sem analizirala s pomočjo grafov in tabel ter opisom, ki sem jim dodala še strokovno literaturo. Predvsem me je zanimalo, kdaj so starši začeli brati svojemu otroku, kako pogosto berejo svojim otrokom, kdaj je čas za branje, kako izberejo knjigo in kaj izberejo, ali se o prebrani knjigi pogovorijo, ali naredijo kakšno dejavnost po prebrani knjigi, kako pogosto hodijo v knjižnico ali gledališče, koliko otroške literature imajo doma, kako pogosto vključujejo otroka v skupne vsakdanje dejavnosti, kot so pisanje vabil, voščilnic, nakupovalnih seznamov, ali vzamejo otroka s seboj po opravkih, ali se pogovarjajo o napisih v okolju, trgovini, prometu ter kako vrtci spodbujajo družinsko pismenost oz. branje doma. Dobila sem različne rezultate. Če povzamem, bi bilo potrebno še malo bolj informirati starše o pomembnosti branja in kakovosti skupnega preživljanja časa.
družinska pismenost;kakovostno branje;kakovostna knjiga;spodbujanje govornega razvoja v družini;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[P. Šuštar] |
UDC: |
373.2.016:81-028.31(043.2) |
Views: |
481 |
Downloads: |
91 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Importance of family literacy for preschool children's speech development and their speech learning |
Secondary abstract: |
The paper presents the importance of family literacy and how it affects speech development and learning in preschool children. The paper is comprised of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part defines speech development in preschool children, which is divided into prespeech and speech period. This is followed by the description of factors affecting speech development (quality of family environment, family's sociodemographic characteristics, children's gender, kindergarten and genetic factors). I stated the importance of literacy and different types of literacy as well as described the types of literacy that are present in the preschool period. Moreover, I portrayed family literacy, the importance of reading to children, quality books and reading a quality book or a picture book; I also drafted some guidelines for successful reading and explained how pedagogical workers can affect family literacy. More guidelines for encouraging speech development in children are presented, along with the role of adults (parents or guardians) and the importance of parents and children reading together. I also portrayed motivation and the interest for reading with children, encouraging children to tell a story, the role of books without text, children’s symbolic game, which greatly impacts speech development, and other activities that are performed outside the family circle, such as going to the library or theatre.
By conducting an anonymous online survey for the empirical part, I conducted a research on the importance of family literacy for speech development and learning in preschool children. They survey consisted of 6 general questions and 16 questions on the topic that was the subject of my research. 137 interviewees responded to the survey in 7 days. The results were analysed with the help of graphs, tables and a description, accompanied by academic literature. I was mainly interested in when parents started reading to their children, how often they do it, when it is reading time, how they choose a book and what books they choose, whether they discuss the read book, whether they perform any activity after reading the book, how often they go to the library or theatre, how many children books they keep at home, how often they include their children in common everyday activities, such as writing invitations, greetings cards or shopping lists, whether they take their children to go shopping, whether they talk about inscriptions around themselves, in shops or in traffic, and how the kindergarten encourages family literacy or reading at home. I obtained different results. To summarise, parents should receive more information on the importance of reading and spending quality time together. |
Secondary keywords: |
speech;literacy;pre-school child;govor;pismenost;predšolski otrok; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
75 str. |
ID: |
11605051 |