delo diplomskega projekta
Anita Sobočan (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Številni viri se strinjajo, da je v današnjem svetu ključnega pomena, vzpostavitev dobrih odnosov z našimi strankami. Da nam to uspe in da ta odnos vzdržujemo in nagrajujemo je pomembno, da naš Customer Relationship Management (v nadaljevanju CRM) v podjetju odlično deluje. Lahko se lotimo pristopa da podatke beležimo, analiziramo in izdelujemo poročila ročno, iz tabel shranjenih na različnih mestih, da marketinške kampanje izvajamo posebej in brez načrtovanih strategij, kar nam na prvi pogled prihrani denar, ki ga bi morali vložiti v uvedbo CRM rešitve pa vendar je na dolgi rok precej bolj ugodno uvesti rešitev. Prihranijo nam veliko dela, tako z organizacijskega, kot časovnega vidika, istočasno pa gradimo močne in trdne odnose z našimi strankami, ki so bolj zadovoljne, posledično pa prinesejo več dobička. V diplomski nalogi smo želeli predstaviti, kako CRM rešitve delujejo v športu, kjer se v zadnjem obdobju res velik poudarek daje na navijače, ki so s časom postali vse bolj zahtevni. Poleg kvalitetne športne predstave, jim je treba ponuditi še ogromno drugih storitev. Od zagotovljenih parkirnih mest, do ponudbe hrane in pijače, pa dogodki med prekinitvami. Vsak navijač si želi zelo osebno doživetje, zapomni pa si vsako stvar, ki mu ni bila všeč. Zato si osebje, ki v večjih športnih organizacijah skrbi za CRM, prizadeva, da nemudoma opazi, s čim navijač ni bil zadovoljen in se trudi to čimprej popraviti. Prav tako imajo največji športni klubi navijače po celem svetu in želijo prav vsem zagotoviti, da so del njihove zgodbe. V povezavi s tem, se tudi v športu veliko uporabljata tehnologiji navidezne in razširjene resničnosti, ki omogočata navijačem bolj oseben in bližnji ogled določenih aktivnosti v klubu. Slovenski šport je kar se uporabe CRM rešitev in tehnologije še daleč za ostalim svetom, razlogi pa tičijo predvsem v finančnih sredstvih in manjši navijaški bazi. To velja tudi za Odbojkarski Klub Nova KBM katere situacijo smo predstavili na koncu diplomskega projekta. Vendar bi s potrebami in željami navijačev, v prihodnosti vsekakor bilo smiselno razmisliti o vlaganju v CRM rešitve.


upravljanje odnosov s strankami;informacijske rešitve;CRM;šport;odbojka;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Sobočan]
UDC: 004.77:796.325
COBISS: 38333443 Link will open in a new window
Views: 335
Downloads: 47
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂuse of CRM solutions in sport
Secondary abstract: Many sources agree that in today’s world, it is crucial to establish good relationships with our customers. In order for us to succeed in this and to maintain and reward this relationship, it is important that our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) works perfectly in the company. We can take the approach of noting, analyzing and producing reports manually, from tables stored in various places, that we carry out marketing campaigns separately and without planned strategies, which at first glance saves us the money we should invest in the implementation of CRM solutions. It is much more favorable to implement a solution in the long run. It saves us from a lot of work, both from an organizational and time point of view and at the same time we build strong and solid relationships with our customers who are more satisfied and consequently bring in more profits. In the project, we wanted to present how CRM is used in sports, where lately a lot of emphasis has been placed on fans, who have become more and more demanding over time. In addition to a quality sports performance, they need to be offered a huge number of other services. From the provided parking spaces, to the offer of food and drinks and shows during halftime. Every fan wants a very personal experience and remembers every thing he didn’t like. Therefore, the staff who take care of CRM in major sports organizations strive to immediately notice what the fan was not happy with and try to fix it as soon as possible. The biggest sports clubs also have fans all over the world and they want to make sure everyone is part of their story. In connection with this, virtual and augmented reality technologies are also widely used in sports, which enable fans to see certain activities in the club in a more personal and close way. Slovenian sport is far behind the rest of the world in terms of the use of CRM solutions and technology, and the reasons lie mainly in financial resources and a smaller fan base. This also applies to the Nova KBM Volleyball Club, whose situation we presented at the end of the project. However, with the needs and desires of fans, in the future it would definitely make sense to consider investing in CRM solutions
Secondary keywords: Customer Relationship Management;CRM;CRM Solutions;Sports;Volleyball;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 35 str.
ID: 11973043
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