magistrsko delo


Komunikacija izpolnjuje osnovno človeško potrebo po tem, da bomo v stiku z drugimi ljudmi. Ona je način delitve informacij ali prenašanja sporočil. Osebni in poslovni uspeh sta v veliki meri odvisna od tega, kako dobro razumemo druge ljudi ter v kolikšni meri drugi ljudje razumejo tisto, kar jim mi želimo posredovati s komunikacijo. Hitri in globalni razvoj tehnologije je prinesel s seboj spremembe, ki so bile pomembne tudi za bančništvo. Danes se banke soočajo z veliko konkurenco. To zahteva od banke, da vloži velik napor, če si želi zagotoviti preživetje na konkurenčnem in nepredvidljivem trgu. Uporabniki predstavljajo osnovo razvoja bančnega sektorja, poslovanje banke pa ne more funkcionirati brez uporabnikov. Danes je treba vložiti veliko napora v zadovoljevanje potreb strank in razvijanje dologoročnih odnosov z njimi. Če je stranka zadovoljna, se bo vrnila v banko in uporabljala njene storitve. Zato je upravljanje odnosov s strankami (angl. Customer Relationship Management; CRM) strateškega pomena za bančno poslovanje. Kakovostno upravljanje odnosov s strankami je nepredstavljivo brez podpore kakovostnega informacijskega sistema oziroma rešitve CRM, ki omogoča zaposlenim, da hitro pridobijo podatke o vsaki stranki in da gradijo dolgoročne odnose s strankami, uresničijo svoje poslovne cilje in da bodo konkurenčni na trgu. Poslovni proces je osnova organizacije dela vsakega podjetja. To je skupek različnih dejavnosti in opravil, ki se opravljajo z določenim zaporedjem aktivnosti in z uporabo določenih virov podjetja. Poslovne procese je zelo pomembno spremljati in jih analizirati, da bi določili pomanjkljivosti in jih čim prej odpravili. Na osnovi tega lahko določimo, katere poslovne procese je treba spremeniti ali izboljšati z uvedbo rešitve CRM. Omenjeno smo obravnavali tudi v magistrskem delu. V pričujočem magistrskem delu smo raziskali koncept uvedbe rešitve CRM v banko. Najprej smo teoretično predstavili upravljanje odnosov s strankami, opredelili značilnosti rešitve CRM in način njene uvedbe. Po teoretični opredelitvi poteka uvajanja rešitve CRM smo predstavili potek uvajanja rešitve CRM v banko, ki je zajemala posnetek stanja obstoječega sistema in kritično analizo sedanjega stanja. Na podlagi tega smo predlagali spremembe. V tem delu smo tudi opredelili korake uvedbe (izbiro, uvedbo in ovire) ter predstavili učinke, ki jih prinaša uvedba rešitve CRM v banko. Kakovostno upravljanje odnosov s strankami zagotavlja banki uspeh in obstoj. Zadovoljna stranka je enako kot poslovni uspeh. H kakovostnem upravljanju odnosov s strankami pripomore tudi uvedba rešitev CRM, kjer so vsi podatki o stranki shranjeni na enem mestu. Zatorej bo prinesla uvedba rešitve CRM banki številne pozitivne učinke.

Ključne besede

poslovni proces;odnosi s strankami;informacijske rešitve;CRM;komuniciranje;banke;uvedba;prenova;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [P. Pepelnik]
UDK: 004.77:336.71(043.2)
COBISS: 12539676 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 879
Št. prenosov: 116
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂThe ǂeffects of the introduction of CRM solutions to the bank
Sekundarni povzetek: Communication fulfills one of the basic human needs – the need to keep in contact with other people. It is a way of sharing information and transmitting messages. Personal and business success is much dependant on how well we understand other people and how well other people understand what we want to communicate to them through some form of communication. Rapid and global development of technology has brought with it changes which proved important for the banking sector. Today, banks are faced with fierce competition. This requires banks to put in great effort so that you as a costumer would ensure their survival in today's competitive and unpredictable market. Customers form the basis of the banking sector's development, that is the banks cannot operate without a customer. Today, great effort is being made in meeting the needs of customers and developing long-term relationships with them – i.e., if the client is satisfied he will consequently return to the same bank and use their services over and over again. Therefore, the strategic importance of keeping up good client relations in the banking sector must be stressed. (engl. Customer Relationship Management CRM). High-quality customer relationship management can not be imagined without the support of high-quality information systems or CRM solutions. CRM solutions enable employees to quickly obtain information about each customer and are therefore able to build long-term relationships with clients, realizing the bank's business goals and remaining competitive in the market. The business process is the basis of organizational work in each company. It is comprised of a group of different activities and tasks, which are to be carried out within a certain sequence of actions and with the use of certain resources of the company. Business processes are very important in monitoring and analyzing how to identify shortcomings and how these deficiencies may be eliminated as soon as possible. Based on this information we can then determine which business processes need to be changed or improved with the help of CRM solutions. This master thesis deals with this section of the process as well. In this master thesis we mainly dealt with the concept of introducing CRM solutions to a bank. First, we presented in theory the basic idea of customer relationship management to define the characteristics of CRM solutions and also we've focused on how to go about introducing CRM solutions. Following the theoretical definition is the introduction of CRM solutions. We have presented the course of the introduction of CRM solutions to the bank, which included a snapshot of the existing system and a critical analysis of the present state of the art. Based on actual status we then submitted amendments. In this thesis, we also identified the steps needed to proceed with the introduction: selection, introduction and obstacles, outlining the effects brought about by the introduction of CRM solutions to the bank. Quality customer relationship management, bank guarantees success and survival. Satisfied customer equals business success, for high-quality customer relationship management helps us to introduce CRM solutions as a place where all customer data is stored in one place. The introduction of the CRM solution to the bank will bring a variety of effects.
Sekundarne ključne besede: business process;customer relationship management;CRM;introduction;renovation;effects;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: II, 68 f.
ID: 9161459