primer prleških jedi
Anja Govedič (Author), Jasna Potočnik (Mentor), Vita Petek (Co-mentor)


Prlekija ima pestro tradicionalno kulinariko, ki se je prenašala iz roda v rod. Zajema različne jedi, od takšnih, ki jih lahko ponudimo kot predjedi, pa vse do slanih in sladkih sladic. Ker je območje prepleteno z vinogradi, lahko turisti hrano pokušajo ob ponudbi lokalnih vin. Ponudba ni namenjena le domačim turistom, ampak je zanimiva predvsem za tuje, ki se s tovrstno kulinariko srečujejo prvič. Da bi tujim gostom lažje ponudili lastno kulinariko, jim jo moramo približati tudi jezikovno. V diplomski nalogi smo se odločili raziskati, kako tradicionalne jedi prevajamo v angleški jezik, ki ima v svetu status lingua franca. Ugotovili smo, da je imena tradicionalnih jedi zelo težko prevesti dobesedno. Iz tega razloga imajo po navadi ponudniki jedi prevedene s krajšimi opisi, da si tudi gostje lažje predstavljajo, kaj je v ponudbi.


tradicionalna prleška kulinarika;turizem v Prlekiji;kulinarična terminologija;prevajanje;angleški jezik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: [A. Govedič]
UDC: 641.568(497.4-18):811.111(043.2)
COBISS: 41072387 Link will open in a new window
Views: 782
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Slovene traditional dishes in the English language : the cas of Prlekija dishes
Secondary abstract: Prlekija is famous for its variety of traditional dishes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Among them, we can find different kinds of food, from appetisers to salt and sweet pastries. Because the area is full of vineyards, it is no surprise that visitors can taste wine with food at every step. However, gastronomic choices are not important only for Slovenian visitors, but also for foreign guests who meet this type of cuisine for the first time. To familiarize foreign guests with our traditional food, we have to know how to bring it closer to them. We can do that not only by tasting, but with language as well. In our thesis, we decided to research how to translate traditional Prlekija dishes into the English language that has the status of a lingua franca across the world. We discovered, that translating names of traditional dishes is very hard and that is why guesthouses have short descriptions of offers on their menu, rather than direct translations. That is more helpful for guests as well, because it is easier for them to visualise the offers.
Secondary keywords: traditional Prlekija dishes;tourism in Prlekija;culinary terminology;translating;English language;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fakulteta za turizem
Pages: 54 str., 26 str. pril.
ID: 11995560
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