diplomsko delo


Diplomsko delo obravnava zgodovinske dogodke, ki so navdihnili Primoža Kozaka za nastanek njegovih dramskih besedil. Na začetku časovno opredelim nastanek posamezne drame in jo nato na kratko obnovim, v drugem delu naloge pa se osredotočim na proučevanje zgodovinskih dejstev, ki se omenjajo v dramah. Najpogosteje Kozak uporablja temo revolucije, kjer v besedilih navadno nastopa kolektiv, med nosilci vlog pa ni najvišjih predstavnikov oblasti. Revolucija je direktno ali posredno prisotna v vseh Kozakovih tekstih, razen v zadnjem, Direktorju. Ugotovila sem, da lahko v Aferi, Kongresu, Dialogih in Legendi o svetem Che potegnemo vzporednosti z realnostjo in da se v prvih treh dramah nekateri zgodovinski dogodki dotikajo prav Primoža Kozaka. Tista zgodovinska dejstva, ki niso neposredno povezana s Kozakom, pa kljub temu izražajo avtorjevo natančno vedenje in poznavanje preteklosti.


slovenska književnost;slovenska dramatika;slovenski dramatiki;revolucija;politika;zgodovina;Kozak;Primož;1929-1981;"Dialogi";"Afera";"Kongres";"Legenda o svetem Che";"Direktor";


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Vešligaj]
UDC: 821.163.6-2.09Kozak P.
COBISS: 31384835 Link will open in a new window
Views: 401
Downloads: 75
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The historical background of Primož Kozak's plays
Secondary abstract: This bachelor's thesis analyses the historical events that inspired Primož Kozak to write the majority of his plays. In the first part of the thesis the individual plays are summarized, and the time of their creation is established. The second part of the thesis studies the important historical events that Kozak incorporated into his plays. He often used revolution as the main topic in his works, with the focus on the collective and the authorities playing only a minor role. Revolution is a direct or indirect part of most of Kozaks's texts, the only exception is his last work Direktor (en. The Director). In his other plays, Afera (en. The Affair), Kongres (en. The Congress), Dialogi (en. Dialogues) and Legenda o svetem Che (en. The Legend of St. Che), a parallel with real-time events can be drawn, with the first three plays depicting events from Primož Kozak's personal life. Although various historical events in his plays are not directly connected to Kozak's life, they demonstrate the author's thorough knowledge and understanding of the history.
Secondary keywords: Slovenian literature;Slovenian drama;Slovenian dramatists;revolution;politics;history;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000573
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovenistiko
Pages: 27 str.
ID: 12040998
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