magistrsko delo
Tjaša Ivančič (Author), Vida Manfreda Kolar (Mentor), Uršula Podobnik (Co-mentor)


Slikanice so zelo pomembne pri vzgoji in izobraževanju otrok. Ob njih se lahko preselijo v svet iluzij in domišljije, ob tem pa se tudi učijo. Poučne slikanice lahko uporabljamo pri skoraj vseh učnih predmetih, ne samo pri slovenskem jeziku. Pri slikanicah sta pomembni tako besedilo kot tudi ilustracija, predvsem pa njuno povezovanje in dopolnjevanje. Pri učencih v 1. razredu je glavna ilustracija, besedilo pa jo le dopolnjuje. Pri pouku matematike lahko uporabimo veliko didaktičnih pripomočkov in eden izmed njih je tudi matematična slikanica. Ob njeni uporabi se pri pouku matematike odpre veliko možnosti za medpredmetno povezovanje, popestritev pouka in motiviranje učence za delo. Poleg tega pa učenci razvijajo tudi pozitiven odnos do predmeta. V magistrskem delu smo zajeli načela pouka matematike, reprezentacije, motivacijo in medpredmetno povezovanje pri pouku matematike. Osredinili smo se na sklop geometrija in merjenje, za katerega smo se odločili zaradi abstraktnih in posledično težje razumljivih učnih vsebin, pojmov. Poznamo več vrst didaktičnih pripomočkov, ki jih uporabljamo pri pouku matematike, med katere uvrščamo tudi matematično slikanico. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali slikanice na splošno, njihovo definicijo, delitev, fizične lastnosti, ilustracijo ter interakcijo med besedilom in ilustracijo, ki je njihova značilnost. Posebno pozornost pa smo namenili tudi matematičnim slikanicam, predstavili nekatere izmed njih o geometrijskih likih ter povzeli projekt MASLIK ter druge raziskave. Geometrijske like smo pregledali tudi iz perspektive likovne umetnosti. Empirični del je sestavljen iz treh delov. Najprej smo v 1. razredu izvedli 4 ure matematike na temo geometrijskih likov. Sledili sta uri likovne umetnosti, v katerih so učenci ilustrirali zgodbo Pošastko Ludvik v Likariji. Ob združitvi besedila in ilustracij učencev je nastala matematična slikanica, ki so jo izbrani učitelji uporabili kot didaktični pripomoček pri pouku matematike. Učne ure smo opazovali in si opažanja beležili. Zanimalo nas je, v katerem delu učne ure so uporabili matematično slikanico, na kakšen način so le-to vključili v pouk, katere dejavnosti so izvedli v uri ter kako so se na slikanico odzivali učenci. Ob koncu ure smo od učiteljev izvedeli še, kako so se lotili načrtovanja ter kakšno stališče imajo do matematične slikanice kot didaktičnega pripomočka. Učitelji so matematično slikanico večinoma uporabili pri pouku matematike ali pri povezovanju matematike z likovno umetnostjo ali slovenskim jezikom. Slikanica je na učence vplivala pozitivno, motivacijsko. Zanimivo je, da niti eden od učiteljev, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, še ni uporabil slikanice za pomoč pri poučevanju matematičnih pojmov, vendar bi jo v prihodnosti uporabil še kdaj. Raziskava na področju matematične slikanice je pomembna za razvijanje novih pristopov pri poučevanju matematike, ter za spodbudo učno nemotiviranih učencev, na njim prijazen, igriv način. Rezultati raziskave nudijo ideje o različnih načinih uporabe matematične slikanice pri pouku, poleg tega pa spodbudijo učitelje, da večkrat uporabijo matematične slikanice kot didaktični pripomoček pri razvijanju matematičnih pojmov, za popestritev ur ter krepitev pozitivnega odnosa učencev do predmeta matematike.


ilustracija;motivacija;medpredmetno povezovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Ivančič]
UDC: 51:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 33657603 Link will open in a new window
Views: 330
Downloads: 30
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Math picture book of geometric shapes as a didactic tool in the first grade
Secondary abstract: Picture books are very important in the upbringing and education of children. With their help, they can move into a world of illusions and imagination, and learn at the same time. Educational picture books can be used in almost all subjects, not only in Slovene lessons. With picture books, both the text and the illustrations are important, and above all their connection and complementarity. For 1st graders, the most important part of picture books are illustrations, the text only complements them. Many didactic aids can be used in math lessons, and one of them is a mathematical picture book. Its use in math lessons opens up many opportunities for interdisciplinary connections, diversification of lessons and motivating students to work. In addition, students also develop a positive attitude towards the subject. In this master's thesis, we covered the principles of math lessons, representation, motivation and interdisciplinary connections in math lessons. We focused on the set of geometry and measurement, which we opted for due to abstract and consequently more difficult to understand learning content and concepts. We know several types of didactic aids that we use in math lessons, and a mathematical picture book is one of them. In the theoretical part, we described picture books in general, their definition, division, physical properties, illustration, and the interaction between text and illustration, which is one of their characteristics. We also paid special attention to mathematical picture books, presented some picture books about geometric shapes and summarized the MASLIK project and other research. We also examined geometric shapes from the perspective of arts. The empirical part consists of three parts. First, we performed 4 lessons of math on the topic of geometric shapes in one of the 1st grades. This was followed by two lessons of art classes, in which students illustrated the story of the Ludvik the Monster in Likarija. By combining the text and illustrations of the students, a mathematical picture book was created, which was used by some of the teachers as a didactic aid in math lessons. We observed the lessons and recorded our observations. We observed in which part of the lesson they used a mathematical picture book, in what way they included it in the lessons, what activities they performed and how the students reacted to the picture book. At the end of the lesson, we also learned from the teachers how they approached planning and what their attitude is toward mathematical picture books as a didactic aid. Teachers mostly used a mathematical picture book in math lessons or in connecting mathematics with arts or the Slovene language. The picture book had a positive, motivating effect on the students. Interestingly, none of the teachers who participated in the research had yet used a picture book to teach mathematical concepts, but they would use it again in the future. Research in the field of mathematical picture books is important for developing new approaches in teaching math, as well as for encouraging unmotivated students in a friendly, playful way. The results of the research provide ideas on different ways of using mathematical picture books in class, and also encourage teachers to use mathematical picture books as a didactic tool in developing mathematical concepts, to diversify lessons and strengthen students' positive attitude towards math.
Secondary keywords: mathematics;primary education;matematika;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Pages: 115 str.
ID: 12094330