
Slovenistika na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze Komenskega v Bratislavi ima kar dolgo in pestro zgodovino, na katero so v veliki meri vplivali tudi politični dejavniki. Po nekaj desetletij trajajočem obdobju domačih lektorjev so leta 1992 začele v Bratislavo prihajati slovenske poklicne lektorice. Položaj slovenistike se je bistveno spremenil, ko je slovenščina postala sestavni del študijskih programov Srednjeevropske študije (2012) in Slovanske študije (2016), kar je prineslo vsakoletno produkcijo novih diplomskih in magistrskih del, prav tako pa je nastala disertacija s komparativnega področja. Pričujoči prispevek prinaša kratko zgodovino lektorata slovenščine na FF UK v Bratislavi in pregled omenjenih del.


slovenščina;slovenščina kot drugi jezik;slovenščina na tujih univerzah;slovenistika;lektorati;Univerza Komenskega;Bratislava;Slovaška;


Language: Slovenian
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Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 811.163.6+821.163.6.09:378(437.6Bratislava)
COBISS: 69956706 Link will open in a new window
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Slovene Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava has a long and interesting history, which was, to a considerable extent, influenced by political factors. After the period of Slovak-born lecturers, which lasted for several decades, Slovene lecturers started teaching at Comenius University in 1992. The situation of Slovene Studies has changed significantly, when Slovene language became a part of the study programmes Central European Studies (2012) and Slavic Studies (2016), which was also a reason for the annual production of new degree dissertations. One doctoral thesis from the Slovak-Slovene comparative field was also written. At the beginning of the article a short history of Slovene Studies at Comenius University in Bratislava is described, after which short summaries of the cited works are given.
Secondary keywords: Slovene;Slovene as second language;Slovene at foreign universities;Slovene Studies;lectureships;Comenius University;Slovakia;
Pages: Str. 170-176
DOI: 10.4312/SSJLK.55.170-176
ID: 12352519