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Mateja Ovčar (Author), Hotimir Tivadar (Mentor), Matic Pavlič (Co-mentor)


Afazijo definiramo kot nevrogeno motnjo simbolne komunikacije, ki vpliva na različne komponente jezikovnih zmožnosti, prozodične elemente govora in kognitivne sposobnosti. Na jezikovnem področju afazija vpliva na besedišče, fonologijo, morfologijo, sintakso, semantiko in pragmatiko. Največkrat je posledica poškodb jezikovnih centrov v možganih, ki jih povzročijo možganska kap, travmatske poškodbe možganov ali pa posledice progresivnih nevroloških bolezni, tumorjev in vnetij možganov. Najpogostejša težava vseh vrst afazij je anomija (nezmožnost poimenovanja). Afazija otežuje vsakodnevno sporazumevanje in zato je pomembno, da so bolniki s to motnjo napoteni k logopedu. Ta prične diagnostiko, znotraj katere opazuje vedenje bolnika in oceni njegove komunikacijske zmožnosti, da lahko ustrezno načrtuje zdravljenje. Oceno posameznih področij sporazumevanja logoped pridobi s formalnimi in neformalnimi testi. Za ocenjevanje specifičnih jezikovnih sposobnosti se poleg drugih uporablja tudi Bostonski poimenovalni test (angl. Boston Naming Test, BNT; Kaplan idr., 1983), s katerim ocenjujemo sposobnosti poimenovanja. V tujini je za ocenjevanje afazičnega in dizartričnega govora veliko standardiziranih in nestandardiziranih testnih instrumentov, ki jih moramo ustrezno prilagoditi glede na slovenske kulturne in jezikovne značilnosti. Če to ni mogoče, je najbolje oblikovati povsem nov test. Ker pri nas za prepoznavanje afazij ni na voljo nobenega standardiziranega testa v slovenskem jeziku, so se logopedi na Nevrološki kliniki v Ljubljani odločili oblikovati svojega (Slovenski test iskanja besed, STIB; Vogrinčič idr., 2021). Z magistrskim delom sem želela preveriti veljavnost in zanesljivost testa ter ugotoviti, kako različne spremenljivke (spol, starost in izobrazba) vplivajo na uspešnost pri testu. Študija je vključevala 52 oseb. Polovico so predstavljale osebe, ki so pred kratkim preživele možgansko-žilni dogodek leve hemisfere (koda diagnoze po IMB-10: R47.0) in jim je bila po klinično-diagnostičnem pregledu diagnosticirana motorična disfazija oziroma afazija. Drugo polovico so predstavljale osebe brez nevroloških težav, ki so se glede na izobrazbo, materni jezik, spol in starost ujemale z osebami iz klinične populacije. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da so osebe iz proučevane/klinične skupine na testu v povprečju od vsega skupaj 120 točk dosegle 67,04 točke (55 %), medtem ko so osebe iz primerjalne/tipične skupine v povprečju dosegle višje rezultate (od vsega skupaj 120 točk so dosegle 90,62 točke oziroma 76 %). Med primerjalno/tipično in proučevano/klinično skupino obstajajo statistično značilne razlike (p = 0,001) v skupnem številu točk. Statistično značilno višje število točk ima primerjalna skupina, kar pomeni, da so bile osebe iz tipične/primerjalne skupine bolj uspešne pri poimenovanju ilustracij. Glede na te rezultate lahko trdimo, da je STIB (Vogrinčič idr., 2021) veljaven merski instrument. Raziskava je prav tako pokazala, da je test imenovanja besed zelo zanesljiv, saj izračunana vrednost Cronbachovega koeficienta alfa znaša 0,953. Znotraj tipične skupine sem preverila tudi razlike v poimenovanju glede na spol, starost in izobrazbo. Pokazalo se je, da so moški pri poimenovanju nekoliko uspešnejši od žensk, vendar razlike niso statistično pomembne. Prav tako se statistično pomembne razlike niso pokazale med osebami z različno stopnjo izobrazbe, kar je najverjetneje posledica neenakomerno razporejenega vzorca glede na stopnjo izobrazbe. Pomembne statistične razlike so se pokazale med različnima starostnima skupinama (višje povprečje točk so dosegle osebe mlajše od 70 let) in med posameznimi postavkami testa. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave zaključujem, da je STIB (Vogrinčič idr., 2021) veljaven in zanesljiv testni pripomoček za uporabo v slovenskem prostoru.


afazija;nevropsihološki test;logopedska diagnostika;poimenovanje slik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Ovčar]
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 48771843 Link will open in a new window
Views: 265
Downloads: 26
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Measurement Characteristics of "Slovenian Word Search Test"
Secondary abstract: Aphasia is defined as a neurogenic disorder of symbolic communication that affects different components of language abilities, prosodic elements of speech, and cognitive abilities. In the linguistic field, aphasia affects vocabulary, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. On most occasions, it is the result of the damage of the language centers in the brain caused by a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or the consequences of progressive neurological diseases, tumors, and inflammations of the brain. The most common problem of all types of aphasia is anomie (inability to name). Aphasia makes daily communication difficult. Therefore, patients with this disorder must be referred to a speech therapist. He initiates diagnostics within which he observes the patient's behavior and assesses his communication abilities so that he can plan treatment appropriately. The speech therapist obtains an assessment of individual fields of communication through formal and informal tests. Among other things, the Boston Naming Test (BNT) (Kaplan et al., 1983) is used to assess specific language abilities. Thus, we assess the naming skills. Abroad, there are many standardized and non-standardized test instruments for assessing aphasic and dysarthric speech. We must adapt the instruments to the Slovenian cultural and linguistic characteristics appropriately. If this is not possible, it is best to design a completely new test. Because there is no standardized test in the Slovenian language for recognizing aphasia, speech therapists at the Division of Neurology in Ljubljana decided to design their own (Slovenian Word Search Test, STIB; Vogrinčič et al., 2021). By my master's thesis, I wanted to check the validity and reliability of the test and ascertain how different variables (gender, age, and education) influence the performance of the test. The study included 52 subjects. A half were persons who had recently survived a cerebrovascular event of the left hemisphere (diagnosis code according to IMB-10: R47.0) and were diagnosed with motor dysphasia or aphasia after a clinical diagnostic examination. The other half consisted of persons without neurological problems who matched persons from the clinical population in terms of education, mother tongue, gender, and age. The analysis of the results showed that the persons from the studied/clinical group scored an average of 67.04 points (55%) on the test out of a total of 120 points while the persons from the comparative/typical group achieved higher results on average (of the total 120 points, they scored 90.62 points or 76%). There are statistically significant differences (p = 0.001) in the total number of points between the comparative/typical and the studied/clinical group. The comparative group had a statistically significantly higher number of points, which means that the persons from the typical/comparative group were more successful in naming the illustrations. With regard to these results, we can say that the STIB (Vogrinčič et al., 2021) is a valid measuring instrument. The research also showed that the naming test is very reliable because the calculated value of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 0.953. Within the typical group, I also checked for differences in naming according to gender, age, and education. It appeared that men were slightly more successful at naming than women but the differences were not statistically significant. Also, no statistically significant differences showed between persons with different levels of education, which is most likely the consequence of an unevenly distributed sample according to the level of education. Significant statistical differences were shown between different age groups (higher average of points were achieved by persons younger than 70 years) and between individual test items. Based on the results of the research, I conclude that the STIB (Vogrinčič et al., 2021) is a valid and reliable test accessory for use in the Slovenian area.
Secondary keywords: speech;govor;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Logopedija in surdopedagogika
Pages: 59 str.
ID: 12588718