magistrsko delo
Tamara Benko (Avtor), Janez Jerman (Mentor)


Afazija je pridobljena motnja komunikacije, ki se pojavi po možganski poškodbi, med katerimi sta najpogostejši možganska kap in travmatska poškodba glave. Vpliva na govor, razumevanje, branje in pisanje. V okviru diagnostike logoped oceni jezikovne sposobnosti in sposobnosti sporazumevanja posameznika, pri čemer si lahko pomaga s kliničnim opazovanjem ter standardiziranimi in z nestandardiziranimi testi. Dobra diagnostična ocena mu namreč omogoča načrtovanje ustreznih rehabilitacijskih ciljev. Afazijo lahko spremljajo tudi dodatne motnje, njihovo ugotavljanje pa je zaradi vpliva na rehabilitacijo pomemben del diagnostike. Med najpogostejšimi spremljajočimi motnjami so motnje pozornosti, spomina, zaznavanja, mišljenja in reševanja problemov. Za namen ugotavljanja težav na področju reševanja problemov, katerih prepoznavanje ima velik pomen pri postavljanju rehabilitacijskih ciljev, sta avtorici Butt in Bucks (2004) oblikovali BTNS – Butt test neverbalnega sklepanja (ang. BNVR – The Butt Non-Verbal Reasoning Test), ki je specifično namenjen ocenjevanju sposobnosti reševanja problemov pri osebah z afazijo. V magistrskem delu smo preverili ustreznost testa za uporabo v slovenskem kulturnem in jezikovnem prostoru ter ugotavljali morebitne potrebe po spremembi testnega materiala. Merske karakteristike testa smo preverili na 102 osebah tipične slovenske populacije brez nevroloških težav in 17 osebah z afazijo. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da so predstavniki tipične populacije na testu povprečno dosegli 9,78 točk, predstavniki skupine oseb z afazijo pa 7,41 točk. Med rezultati splošnega in kliničnega vzorca obstaja statistično pomembna razlika. Razlik v testnih rezultatih med spoloma nismo ugotovili pri nobenem vzorcu, pokazala pa se je statistično pomembna razlika v starosti pri tipični populaciji, ki je najverjetneje posledica splošnega starostnega upada sposobnosti reševanja problemov. Vsebinsko veljavnost testa je potrdila skupina 11 strokovnjakov. Pri analizi naslednjih merskih karakteristik smo se osredotočili na rezultate kliničnega vzorca. Ugotovili smo srednjo stopnjo zanesljivosti (α = 0,66) in ustrezno diskriminativnost (δ = 0,88). Glede na vrednost diskriminativnosti posameznih testnih nalog smo lahko večino nalog uvrstili med zelo dobre, dve med dobre, eno (nalogo 3) pa med neustrezne. Ustrezno težavnost je doseglo 6 od 10 nalog, 3 so prelahke, vendar na meji širšega kriterija priporočljivih indeksov težavnosti, naloga 6 pa se je izkazala za pretežko. Korelacije med testnimi nalogami so dosegle zadovoljivo stopnjo homogenosti, čeprav se niso izkazale za statistično pomembne. Izstopala je naloga 3 ‒ z negativnimi korelacijami. Kot zadnje smo analizirali še distraktorje pri posameznih nalogah. Na splošnem vzorcu statistično pomembnih razlik med distraktorji nismo ugotovili, kljub temu pa negativno izstopa vizualni distraktor pri nalogi 3. Za razliko od splošnega smo na kliničnem vzorcu ugotovili dve statistično pomembni razliki v izbiri distraktorjev, in sicer pri nalogah 3 in 6. Kljub določenim omejitvam, predvsem majhnemu kliničnemu vzorcu, smo zaključili, da je test ustrezen pripomoček za uporabo v slovenskem kulturnem prostoru in nakazali potrebo po večji previdnosti pri interpretaciji rezultatov naloge 3 oziroma celo potrebo po njeni spremembi.

Ključne besede

Butt test neverbalnega sklepanja;merske karakteristike;diagnostika;reševanje problemov;govor;komunikacija;logopedska obravnava;kriteriji dobrega testa;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Benko]
UDK: 376-81'234.2(043.2)
COBISS: 12461129 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 432
Št. prenosov: 70
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Metric characteristics of BNVR - the Butt non-verbal reasoning test
Sekundarni povzetek: Aphasia is an acquired communication disorder that presents in people with brain damage, with brain stroke and traumatic head injury as the most common causes. It affects speech, language comprehension, reading and writing. In the diagnostic process, the speech and language therapist (SLP) evaluates the individual’s linguistic and communication capacity with the help of clinical observation as well as standardised and non-standardised tests. A thorough diagnostic evaluation enables them to plan the appropriate rehabilitation goals. Aphasia can be accompanied by further disorders whose identification is a crucial part of diagnostics, as they impact rehabilitation. The most common co-morbid disorders are attention, memory, perception, cognition and problem-solving deficit disorders. In order to identify problems in the field of problem solving, the identification of which is highly significant in setting rehabilitation goals and understanding the progress of the individual, authors Butt and Bucks (2004) formed the BNVR – The Butt Non-Verbal Reasoning Test that is specifically designed to evaluate problem-solving abilities in persons with aphasia. This Master’s thesis assesses the suitability of the test for use in the Slovenian cultural space and determines potential needs for changing the test material. The measurement characteristics of the test were tested in 102 subjects of the typical Slovenian population without neurological problems and in 17 persons with aphasia. The result analysis showed that representatives of the typical population and representatives of the group of people with aphasia achieved 9.78 and 7.41 points on average, respectively. There is a statistically significant difference in the results of the general and the clinical sample. No differences in test results were determined between the sexes in either sample, but a statistically significant difference was observed in the age of the typical population, which is most likely a consequence of the general age-related decline of problem-solving abilities. A group of 11 expert confirmed the substantive validity of the test. In the analysis of the following measurement characteristics, we focused on the results of the clinical sample. We established a medium level of reliability (α = 0,66) and suitable discrimination (δ = 0,88). Regarding the discrimination value of individual testing tasks, we were able to classify most of the tasks as very good, two as good and one (Task 3) as unsuitable. 6 of 10 tasks reached a suitable difficulty level, 3 are too easy yet still within the limits of the broader criterion of recommended difficulty indexes, whereas Task 6 proved to be too difficult. The correlations between testing tasks reached a satisfactory level of homogeneity, despite not proving to be statistically significant. Task 3 stood out with negative correlations. Lastly, we analysed the distractors in individual tasks. We did not find statistically significant differences in the distractors in the general sample, yet the visual distractor in Task 3 still negatively stands out. In difference to the general sample, we determined two statistically significant differences in the choice of distractors in the clinical sample, namely in Tasks 3 and 6. Despite certain limitations, mainly the small clinical sample size, we concluded that the test is an appropriate tool for use in the Slovenian cultural space and indicated the need for a careful interpretation of the results of Task 3, or alternatively the need for a change thereof.
Sekundarne ključne besede: speech therapy;aphasia;logopedija;afazija;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Logopedija in surdopedagogika
Strani: VIII, 82 str.
ID: 11156137