diplomsko delo
Jolanda Hočevar (Author), Tatjana Kozjek (Mentor)


Ljudje večino časa preživijo na delovnem mestu, zato je potrebno, da je delovno okolje ustrezno urejeno. Zdravo delovno okolje zajema več dejavnikov, kot so ustreznost delovnega mesta, delovne naloge, medsebojni odnosi in skrb za lastno zdravje na delovnem mestu in izven dela. Organizacije, ki omogočajo zdravo delovno okolje in skrbijo, da so zaposleni zdravi in zadovoljni, imajo številne prednosti, saj so ti bolj predani organizaciji, z veseljem opravljajo svoje delo in so zato učinkovitejši. Poleg delovnega okolja imajo pomembno vlogo tudi odnosi na delovnem mestu. Namen diplomskega je bil proučiti področja zdravega delovnega okolja in izvesti raziskavo o prijaznem delovnem okolju za zaposlene na Ministrstvu za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. Za raziskovanje je bila uporabljena metoda anketiranja. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je večina zaposlenih zadovoljnih z delovnim okoljem v organizaciji in z delovnim mestom; predvsem z dejavniki, ki so povezani z delovnim časom, dobrimi odnosi, z delovnimi pripomočki in pogoji, ki jim jih nudi organizacija. Organizacija dobro poskrbi za delovno opremo, ki je na voljo zaposlenim, saj večina zaposlenih meni, da je postavitev računalniške in delovne opreme prilagojena posameznikom. Pomembno je, da se organizacija zaveda pomena zdravega delovnega okolja in spodbuja in motivira zaposlene k zdravemu načinu življenja. Trdim, da organizacija, s promocijo zdravja poskrbi za informiranost zaposlenih o zdravi prehrani in gibanju z letaki ter vključevanje aktivnih odmorov v delovni čas zaposlenih, prispeva k boljšemu počutju in večji storilnosti zaposlenih.


zdravo delovno okolje;dejavniki zdravega okolja;zaposleni;ergonomija;delovno mesto;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [Hočevar J.]
UDC: 331.421
COBISS: 63463939 Link will open in a new window
Views: 605
Downloads: 227
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of factors of employee friendly work environment
Secondary abstract: People spend most of their time at work, so the work environment needs to be properly organized. A healthy work environment covers several factors, such as appropriate workplace, work tasks, interpersonal relationships, and caring for own health at work and outside of work. Organizations which allow a healthy work environment and they care that employees are healthy and satisfied have many advantages, as they are more committed to the organization, happy to do their job and more efficient. In addition to the work environment, workplace relationships also play an important role. The purpose of the diploma was to study the areas of a healthy working environment and to conduct a survey on a friendly working environment for employees at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. A survey question method was used for the research. The results of the survey show that most employees are satisfied with the work environment in the organization and the workplace, above all with factors related to working hours, good relationships, work accessories, and the conditions offered to them by the organization. The organization takes good care of the work equipment available to employees, as most employees believe that the layout of computer and work equipment is customized to individuals. It is important that the organization is aware of the importance of a healthy work environment and encourages and motivates employees to a healthy lifestyle. I claim that the organization, by promoting health, ensures that employees are informed about a healthy food and movement with leaflets, and that active breaks are included in the working hours of employees, contributes to better well-being and better productivity of employees.
Secondary keywords: healthy work environment;healthy environment factors;employees;ergonomics;work plac;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000530
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: VIII, 48 str.
ID: 12863799