magistrsko delo
Arijana Kalamar (Author), Janja Tekavc (Mentor)


Pogled na nadarjenost in nadarjene se je skozi zgodovino konstantno spreminjal. Tako nadarjenost še danes velja za termin, ki ga nikakor ne moremo enoznačno opredeliti. Največji preboj pri delu in odkrivanju nadarjenih v slovenskem šolstvu lahko označimo z uvedbo devetletke, ko je delo z nadarjenimi učenci postalo zakonsko obvezno. Z Zakonom o osnovni šoli se je tako delo z nadarjenimi zakonsko opredelilo, določili pa so se tudi postopki evidentiranja in prepoznavanja nadarjenih učencev. Pa vendar kljub opredelitvi in smernicam za delo z nadarjenimi učenci ostajajo razlike pri odkrivanju in delu z njimi, saj obstaja več različnih modelov in praks odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi učenci, prav tako pa je izvedba in umestitev izvedbe dela z nadarjenimi v program ostala avtonomija šole, ki je odvisna od izobraževalnega koncepta neke šole. Tako je lahko šola tista, ki s svojimi značilnostmi vpliva na delo, pa tudi na odkrivanje nadarjenih učencev. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela nas je tako zanimalo, kako šola s svojimi okoljskimi značilnostmi vpliva na sam proces odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi. V raziskavo smo tako vključili pedagoške delavce, ki so prihajali iz različnim mestnih, primestnih in podeželskih šol.


magistrska dela;nadarjeni učenci;okolje;šola;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Kalamar Klemenčič]
COBISS: 86232323 Link will open in a new window
Views: 610
Downloads: 138
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The environment's influence of the discovery and work with gifted students - differences between urban, suburban, and rural schools
Secondary abstract: The view on giftedness and the gifted has been constantly changing over history. Even nowadays, giftedness is a term that can in no way be defined unambiguously. As the greatest breakthrough for the discovery and work with the gifted in the Slovenian education system it is possible to mark the implementation of the nine-year primary education, when work with gifted student became compulsory by law. With the Basic School Act work with gifted students became legally defined; furthermore, procedures for recording and identifying gifted students have been determined. However, despite the definition and guidelines on working with the gifted, differences remain when it comes to working with gifted students due to the various models and procedures for identifying and working with gifted students, as well as the implementation and placement of implementation for working with the gifted in the programme, which remained autonomous to each school, thus depending on the educational concept of a specific school. This way the school's characteristics have an impact on identifying as well as working with gifted students. Therefore, the focus in the empirical part of this Master's thesis was on how schools influence the identification and work with the gifted with their environmental characteristics. For this purpose, pedagogical workers from various urban, suburban, and rural schools have been included in the research.
Secondary keywords: master theses;gifted students;environment;school;Osnovnošolsko izobraževanje;Nadarjeni otroci;Vpliv okolja na ljudi;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za temeljne pedagoške predmete
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XII, 91 str.))
ID: 13022017