magistrsko delo
Vanesa Knez (Author), Tina Klenovšek (Mentor), Boris Kryštufek (Co-mentor)


Namen raziskave je s pomočjo metod geometrijske morfometrije ovrednotiti morfološko variabilnost lobanj belonogih miši, Apodemus spp. iz jugozahodne Azije. Variabilnost smo ovrednotili v velikosti in obliki ventralne strani lobanje belonogih miši iz 11 večjih geografskih regij jugozahodne Azije, ki se skladajo z ozemlji Irana, Afganistana, Indije, Kirgizije, Jordanije, Libanona, Izraela, Pakistana, Gruzije, Sirije in Nepala. Vzorec je vseboval 223 lobanj, od katerih jih je bilo 75 (približno 33 %) že uvrščenih v tri vrste: Apodemus flavicollis, A. uralensis in A. witherbyi. Dokazali smo prisotnost geografske in medvrstne variabilnosti na ventralni strani lobanj belonogih miši. Preverjali smo prisotnosti Bergmannovega pravila, ki ni natančno izraženo. Predpostavili smo, da geografsko območje bolj vpliva na velikost lobanj kot na obliko. Ocena medvrstne variabilnosti je težavna, zaradi majhnega vzorca vrstno identificiranih lobanj in njihove geografske heterogenosti. Na podlagi rezultatov lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da na variabilnost lobanje vzajemno vplivata tako geografsko območje kot vrstna pripadnost. Nedvomno gre za dva močno prepletena vira variabilnosti, vendar smo predpostavili, da geografsko območje bolj vpliva na velikost lobanj, oblika je bolj vrstno pogojena. Za neidentificirane lobanje iz posameznih držav (Afganistan, Nepal in Indija) smo na podlagi velikosti in oblike lobanje uspešno naredili taksonomske zaključke oz. morfotipe poenotili z obravnavanimi vrstami rodu Apodemus. To pomeni, da med analiziranimi skupinami in determiniranimi vrstami obstajajo podobnosti. Kljub vsemu ne moremo z gotovostjo potrditi pravilnih identifikacij vrst. Ob medvrstni variabilnosti moramo upoštevati tudi geografski vpliv oz. ekologijo in tudi geografsko razširjenost posamezne vrste. Za dokončne sklepe bo potrebna genetska analiza. Uporabljena morfometrična analiza predstavlja dobro izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskave.


magistrska dela;Apodemus;geometrijska morfometrija;lobanja;geografska variabilnost;medvrstna variabilnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [V. Knez]
UDC: 599.323.455(043.2)
COBISS: 76146435 Link will open in a new window
Views: 267
Downloads: 34
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Morphological variability of ventral cranium in field mice, Apodemus Kaup, 1829 (Rodentia, Muridae) from Southwestern Asia
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the morphological cranium variability of field mice, Apodemus spp. from Southwestern Asia with methods of geometric morphometry. We evaluated the variability of ventral side of cranium size and shape from 11 geographical regions from Southwestern Asia (Iran, Afghanistan, India, Kirghizia, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Pakistan, Georgia, Syria and Nepal). Sample contained 223 craniums from which only 75 of them (approximately 33 %) was determinated to 3 species: Apodemus flavicollis, A. uralensis and A. witherbyi. We proved the presence of geographical and interspecific variability of field mice craniums. We did not completely confirm the presence of Bergmann's rule, but we assumed that geographical area has a bigger influence on the size of cranium than on their shape. Evaluation of interspecific variability was fussy, because of the small species determined sample and their geographical heterogeneity. Based on the results, we can claim that the geographical area and the species affiliation have an influence on cranium variability. Undoubtedly these are two strongly connected fields, but we assumed that geographical area has a bigger influence on size of craniums and shape is more species dependent. We also successfully made taxonomic conclusions for unidentified craniums from individual geographical areas (Afghanistan, Nepal and India) based on size and shape of the cranium. This means, that the resemblances among analysed groups and determinated species exists. In spite of similarity, we are not able to confirm the determination, because we must also consider the geographical influence, ecology and geographicall distribution of individual species. Final resolution require the genetic analysis. This morphometric analysis represents a good starting point for further research.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Apodemus;geometric morphometry;cranium;geographical variability;interspecific variability;Prave miši;Morfologija (živali);Lobanja;Bližnji vzhod;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: XI f., 104 str.
ID: 13102671