magistrsko delo
Mojca Nežmah (Author), Bojan Kovačič (Mentor), Tadeja Vulc (Mentor)


Pričujoče magistrsko delo je nastalo z namenom komponiranja in kritičnega ovrednotenja lastnih ustvarjalnih dosežkov. Sestavljeno je iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. Teoretični del je razdeljen na pet poglavij. V prvem proučujemo ustvarjalnost, definiramo ustvarjalni proces, osebo in produkt ter proučimo njen pomen in vpliv na glasbeno ustvarjanje. V drugem poglavju popišemo glasbeno teorijo. Zajema podrobno predstavitev vsebin od osnovnega zapisa glasbe do komponiranja melodije. V tretjem poglavju opisujemo otroško poezijo, obravnavamo njene vrste in predstavimo umetno otroško pesem. S četrtim poglavjem osvetlimo vsestranskega umetnika in pisca otroških pesmi, Ferija Lainščka, v zadnjem poglavju pa prikažemo in opišemo zgodovino, uporabnost ter vsestranskost programa MuseScore, uporabljenega za zapis avtorskih uglasbitev. V praktičnem delu magistrskega dela najprej predstavimo izbrana besedila otroških pesmi in jezikovno-slogovno analizo le-teh. Sledi osrednji projekt magistrskega dela, avtorske uglasbitve izbranih pesmi. Te so namenjene otroškemu pevskemu zboru. Ob tem je zapisana klavirska spremljava in dodan inštrument (zvončki, prečna flavta, violončelo, violina, klarinet in palčke). Naslednje poglavje praktičnega dela zajema glasbeno-teoretične analize skladb. Analiza posamezne skladbe vsebuje analizo osnovne melodije, oblikovno in harmonsko analizo skladbe ter opis dodanih inštrumentov. Zadnji poglavji v delu predstavljata samorefleksija ustvarjalnega procesa in strokovna recenzija uglasbitev. Magistrsko delo tako ponuja teoretično ozadje komponiranja od prve note do končnega izdelka, skupka petih avtorskih skladb, ki skušajo besedila pesnika Ferija Lainščka približati najmlajši populaciji z glasbo.


magistrska dela;ustvarjalnost;glasbena teorija;kompozicija;otroške pesmi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Nežmah]
UDC: 78.02:784.67Lainšček F.(043.2)
COBISS: 86203139 Link will open in a new window
Views: 605
Downloads: 102
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Selected children's poems by Feri Lainšček set to music
Secondary abstract: The present master's thesis was created with the aim of composing and critically evaluating one's own creative achievements. It consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is divided into five chapters. In the first, we study creativity, define the creative process, person and product, and study its meaning and impact on the musical creation. In the second chapter, we list music theory. It includes a detailed presentation of the contents - from the basic record of the music to the composing of the melody. In the third chapter, we describe children's poetry, discuss its types, and present an artificial children's song. The fourth chapter highlights the versatile artist and writer of children's poems, Feri Lainšček. In the last chapter, we present and describe the history, usability and versatility of the Musescore programme used to compose music. In the practical part of the thesis, we first present selected texts of children's poems and their linguistic and stylistic analysis. This is followed by the central project of the master's thesis, the author's arrangement of selected poems. These are intended for a children's choir. A piano accompaniment is written next to it and an instrument is added (bells, transverse flute, cello, violin, clarinet and claves). The next chapter of the practical part covers the music-theoretical analysis of the compositions. The analysis of an individual composition includes the analysis of the basic melody, the form and harmonic analysis of the composition, and the description of the added instruments. The last two chapters of the thesis are self-reflection of the creative process and the expert review of music. The master's thesis thus offers a theoretical background of composing from the first note to the final product, a collection of five author's songs that try to bring the texts of the poet Feri Lainšček closer to the youngest population through music.
Secondary keywords: master theses;creativity;music theory;composition;children's poems;Lainšček;Feri;1959-....;Ustvarjalnost;Glasbena teorija;Komponiranje (glasba);Otroške pesmi (glasba);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIV, 166 str.))
ID: 13202385