diplomsko delo
Stročnice vsebujejo več beljakovin v primerjavi z drugimi viri rastlinskega izvora, imajo tudi visoko vsebnost prehranske vlaknine in ogljikovih hidratov. Stročnice vsebujejo bioaktivne spojine, ki imajo lahko koristen vpliv na zdravje, nekatere pa lahko povzročajo zmanjšanje absorpcije hranil, razpoložljivosti mineralov in prebavljivosti beljakovin ter imajo negativen vpliv na senzorične lastnosti in jih štejemo med antinutriente. V okviru naloge smo določili vsebnost proteinov, maščob in suhe snovi v kuhanem fižolu, soji in belemu volčjemu bobu. Največjo vsebnost beljakovin je imela soja, najmanjšo pa fižol. Iz kuhane soje in fižola ter z dodanimi olji, čebulo v prahu in začimbami smo pripravili namaze in jih senzorično ocenili. V fazi optimizacije smo ugotovili, da z namakanjem in kuhanjem volčjega boba nismo razgrenili do stopnje, ko bi bil primeren za uporabo v namazih. Pri uporabi enakih začimb so bili fižolovi namazi ocenjeni bolje od sojinih. Pri pregledu namazov na trgu smo ugotovili, da prevladujejo namazi iz čičerike, sledili so namazi iz fižola, namazi iz soje in tudi en namaz iz volčjega boba.
rastlinski namazi;stročnice;soja;beli volčji bob;fižol;kemijska sestava;senzorične lastnosti;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty |
Publisher: |
[A. Šipoš] |
UDC: |
641.84:635.65:641.1 |
Views: |
257 |
Downloads: |
31 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Application of selected legumes for the preparation of plant-based spreads |
Secondary abstract: |
Legumes contain more protein than other sources of plant origin, they also have a high content of dietary fiber and carbohydrates. Some bioactive compounds from legumes can have a beneficial effect on health, whereas others can cause a decrease in nutrient absorption, mineral availability and protein digestibility or can have a negative effect on sensory properties and are considered antinutrients. Within the thesis, we determined the content of proteins, fats and dry matter in cooked beans, soybeans and white lupines. Soy had the highest protein content and beans the lowest. We used cooked soybeans and beans, plant oils, onion powder and spices to prepare spreads and sensory evaluated them. In the optimization phase, we found that white lupin was not suitable for preparation of spreads, as bitter compounds were not sufficiently removed by soaking and cooking. Bean spreads were rated better than soybean when the same spice was used. When reviewing the spreads on the market, we found that chickpea spreads predominated, followed by bean spreads, soy spreads and one lupine spread. |
Secondary keywords: |
plant-based spreads;legumes;soy;white lupine;beans;chemical composition;sensory properties; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo |
Pages: |
X, 29 f., [4] str. pril. |
ID: |
13345800 |