magistrsko delo
Lana Zorko (Author), Vid Snoj (Mentor), Petra Stankovska (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z raziskovanjem značilnosti fantazijskega žanra v literaturi na splošno, bolj poglobljeno pa se osredotoča na prevod treh besedil češke fantazijske proze v slovenščino ter na njihovo literarno in jezikovno analizo. Fantazijska književnost, ki sicer izhaja iz tradicije ljudske pravljice in mita, je vse od sredine dvajsetega stoletja v razcvetu. Poudarek je na sodobni fantazijski literaturi, ki se je začela s Tolkienovim Gospodarjem prstanov, s kompleksnostjo in razsežnostjo domišljijskih svetov pa predstavlja izjemno pomembno in priljubljeno področje literarne fikcije. Pomembna dejavnost, ki fantazijski književnosti omogoča, da danes velja za eno najpopularnejših in tržno najuspešnejših vej sodobne literature, je prevajalstvo. Ker pa je večina tovrstne literature prevajana iz angleščine, ostaja velik del svetovne fantazijske književnosti neraziskan in skoraj povsem neznan. Roman pisateljice Petre Stehlíkove z naslovom Poslušalec ter kratki zgodbi Tarantrof Adama Andresa in Libušina poslednja prerokba Pavla Renčína so dela, ki predstavljajo tri povsem različne oblike oziroma podžanre češke fantazijske proze. Njihove svojevrstne značilnosti se kažejo preko specifičnih določil, predvsem pa so izrazito opazne v rabi neologizmov in fantazijskega jezika. Fantazijsko besedišče služi kot sredstvo bogatenja in poglabljanja besedila ter ustvarjanja kompleksnega sveta in fikcijskega dogajanja. Prav to pa pogosto predstavlja zahteven prevajalski izziv. Pričujoče magistrsko delo raziskuje fantazijska besedila v češkem jeziku in analizira prevajalski postopek odlomkov treh čeških proznih besedil fantazijskega žanra v slovenščino.


češka književnost;literarne zvrsti;fantazijska literatura;neologizmi;prevodi v slovenščino;diplomsko delo;Stehlíková;Petra;1976-;Válková;Veronika;1970-;Renčin;Pavel;1977-;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [L. Zorko]
UDC: 82.0-312.9
COBISS: 95136515 Link will open in a new window
Views: 190
Downloads: 28
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: An Overview of the World Fantasy Literature and an Analysis of Selected Linguistic Elements in Czech Fantasy Prose
Secondary abstract: This thesis researches the characteristics of fantasy literature in general, however, it focuses more in depth on the translation of three Czech fantasy texts into Slovene and their literary and linguistic analysis. Fantasy literature, which is otherwise derived from the tradition of folk tales and myths, has been flourishing since the middle of the twentieth century. The emphasis is on contemporary fantasy literature, which began with Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. With the complexity and vast dimension of fantasy worlds, it represents an extremely prominent and popular aspect of literary fiction. Most importantly, it is translation that enables fantasy literature to be considered one of the most popular and commercially successful branches of modern literature. However, since most fantasy literature is translated from English, much of the world’s fantasy literature remains unexplored and almost completely unknown. Petra Stehlíková's novel The Listener and the short stories Tarantrof by Adam Andres and Libuše's Last Prophecy by Pavel Renčín are works that represent three completely different subgenres of Czech fantasy prose. Their specific characteristics are presented through specific defining features, which are above all distinctly noticeable in the use of neologisms and fantasy language. Fantasy vocabulary serves as a means of enriching and deepening the text and creating a complex world within a fictional narrative. And this is what frequently poses quite a demanding translation challenge. This thesis explores fantasy prose in the Czech language and analyzes the translation process of excerpts from three different Czech fantasy works into Slovene.
Secondary keywords: Czech literature;literary genres;fantasy literature;neologisms;translation into Slovenian;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000992
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo, Oddelek za slavistiko
Pages: 158 str.
ID: 14610486
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