magistrsko delo
Evelin Tivadar (Author), Alenka Lipovec (Mentor), Jožef Senekovič (Co-mentor)


Pri poučevanju se učitelji nemalokrat zatekajo k uporabi izobraževalnih videoposnetkov. Kljub temu je pandemija covida-19 bistveno spremenila pogled na pomembnost o ustreznosti uporabljenih in ustvarjenih videoposnetkov, ki so v skladu z današnjim napredkom tehnologije. V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali načine vključevanja izobraževalnih videoposnetkov v pouk ter se osredotočili na videorazlage po principu obrnjene učilnice (ang. flipped learning). Posebno pozornost smo namenili smernicam in priporočilom, na podlagi katerih lahko ustvarjamo videorazlage visoke kakovosti, ki imajo pozitiven vpliv na znanje učencev. Predstavili smo osnutek taksonomije videorazlag, s pomočjo katere lahko učiteljem olajšamo izbiro vrste videorazlag za svoje namene poučevanja. Prav tako smo upoštevali in opisali metodike poučevanja učnih vsebin za katere smo videorazlage pripravili. V magistrskem delu smo predstavili izdelane videorazlage in vključili njihove spletne povezave za ogled. Preizkušene so bile v šolski praksi po principu obrnjene učilnice. Navedli smo rezultat učinkovitosti, ki so ga imele izdelane videorazlage na učence in njihovo znanje. Na podlagi rezultatov smo zaznali pozitivne učinke videorazlag, ki ustrezajo opisanim karakteristikam, smernicam, priporočilom in osnutku taksonomije. Rezultat izpolnjuje naša pričakovanja, da trud, vložen v izdelavo in uporabo videorazlag pri pouku, ni zaman. Izdelane videorazlage lahko učencem in učiteljem služijo neštetokrat kot pomoč pri učenju ali poučevanju in nudijo konstantno možnost preurejanja in s tem dopolnjevanja ali nadgrajevanja njihove kakovosti.


magistrska dela;videopedagogika;poučevanje na daljavo;obrnjena učilnica;videorazlage;taksonomija videorazlag;večkotniki;koordinate točk v ravnini;matematika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [E. Tivadar]
UDC: [37.018.43:004]:51(043.2)
COBISS: 123345923 Link will open in a new window
Views: 18
Downloads: 5
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Visualisation in video explanations
Secondary abstract: When teaching, teachers often resort to the use of educational videos. Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the view of the importance of the appropriateness of the used and created videos, which are in line with todayWhen teaching, teachers often resort to the use of educational videos. Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the view of the importance of the appropriateness of the used and created videos, which are in line with todayʼs advances in technology. In the master's thesis, we discussed ways to include educational videos in school lessons and focused on video explanations based on the principle of flipped learning. We paid special attention to guidelines and recommendations based on which we can create high-quality video explanations that have a positive impact on students' knowledge. We presented a draft taxonomy of video explanations, which can make it easier for teachers to choose the type of video explanations for their teaching purposes. We also considered and described the methods of teaching learning content for which we prepared video explanations. In the master's thesis, we presented the produced video explanations and included their web links for viewing. They were tested in school practice on the principle of flipped learning. We have stated the result of the effectiveness that the video explanations had on the students and their knowledge. Based on the results, we detected positive effects of video explanations that correspond to the described characteristics, guidelines, recommendations, and the draft taxonomy. The result meets our expectations that the effort invested in the production and use of video explanations in school lessons is not in vain. The produced video explanations can serve students and teachers countless times as an aid in learning or teaching and offer a constant possibility of rearranging and, thus, supplementing or upgrading their qualityWhen teaching, teachers often resort to the use of educational videos. Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the view of the importance of the appropriateness of the used and created videos, which are in line with todayʼs advances in technology. In the master's thesis, we discussed ways to include educational videos in school lessons and focused on video explanations based on the principle of flipped learning. We paid special attention to guidelines and recommendations based on which we can create high-quality video explanations that have a positive impact on students' knowledge. We presented a draft taxonomy of video explanations, which can make it easier for teachers to choose the type of video explanations for their teaching purposes. We also considered and described the methods of teaching learning content for which we prepared video explanations. In the master's thesis, we presented the produced video explanations and included their web links for viewing. They were tested in school practice on the principle of flipped learning. We have stated the result of the effectiveness that the video explanations had on the students and their knowledge. Based on the results, we detected positive effects of video explanations that correspond to the described characteristics, guidelines, recommendations, and the draft taxonomy. The result meets our expectations that the effort invested in the production and use of video explanations in school lessons is not in vain. The produced video explanations can serve students and teachers countless times as an aid in learning or teaching and offer a constant possibility of rearranging and, thus, supplementing or upgrading their quality.s advances in technology. In the master's thesis, we discussed ways to include educational videos in school lessons and focused on video explanations based on the principle of flipped learning. We paid special attention to guidelines and recommendations based on which we can create high-quality video explanations that have a positive impact on students' knowledge. We presented a draft taxonomy of video explanations, which can make it easier for teachers to choose the type of video explanations for their teaching purposes. We also considered and described the methods of teaching learning content for which we prepared video explanations. In the master's thesis, we presented the produced video explanations and included their web links for viewing. They were tested in school practice on the principle of flipped learning. We have stated the result of the effectiveness that the video explanations had on the students and their knowledge. Based on the results, we detected positive effects of video explanations that correspond to the described characteristics, guidelines, recommendations, and the draft taxonomy. The result meets our expectations that the effort invested in the production and use of video explanations in school lessons is not in vain. The produced video explanations can serve students and teachers countless times as an aid in learning or teaching and offer a constant possibility of rearranging and, thus, supplementing or upgrading their quality.
Secondary keywords: master theses;video pedagogy;remote teaching;flipped learning;video explanations;taxonomy of video explanations;polygons;coordinates of points in a plane;mathematics;Pouk;Izobraževanje na daljavo;Videoposnetki;Matematika;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za matematiko in računalništvo
Pages: X, 78 str.
ID: 15847931