diplomsko delo
Mojca Kovačič (Author), Matjaž Duh (Mentor), Jerneja Herzog (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu obravnavamo odnos do motiva pri likovni vzgoji v tretjem razredu osnovne šole. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, kateri motivi so učencem najbolj všeč ter kako na izbor vplivata spol in okolje, iz katerega izhajajo učenci. V teoretičnem delu je opredeljeno likovno vrednotenje in likovna apreciacija v prvi triadi osnovne šole. Na kratko so opisane plasti likovnega dela in mediji pri likovni vzgoji. Predstavljena je zgodovina in razvoj vrednotenja, primerna likovna dela za likovno vrednotenje ter dosedanje ugotovitve raziskav o otroškem vrednotenju umetniških del. Ob koncu teoretičnega dela sledi predstavitev izbranih umetniških del, ki so jih vrednotili učenci. V empiričnem delu so prikazane ugotovitve raziskave, v kateri so sodelovali učenci tretjih razredov desetih osnovnih šol iz Podravja. Učenci so med predstavljenimi reprodukcijami slikarskih umetnin izbrali delo, ki jim je bilo najbolj všeč. Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v izbiri motiva glede na spol, saj so bili dečkom všeč drugačni motivi kot deklicam. Dečkom so bili najbolj všeč motivi živali in fantazijski motivi, deklicam pa žanrski motivi, portreti in krajine. Tako dečke kot deklice je najbolj navdušil motiv živali. Ugotovili smo, da v izbiri motiva ni statistično pomembnih razlik med učenci iz mesta in podeželja. Iz analize odgovorov smo ugotovili, da so se dečki odločali za dela predvsem zaradi motivov, medtem ko so na izbiro umetnine pri deklicah ob motivu vplivali tudi likovni elementi, predvsem lepe barve. Povzamemo lahko, da je potrebno pri pouku likovne vzgoje izbirati reprodukcije likovnih del z motivi, ki bodo všeč tako dečkom kot deklicam.


likovna vzgoja;osnovne šole;tretji razred;motivi;odnosi;likovno vrednotenje;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Kovačič]
UDC: 73/76(043.2)
COBISS: 16999176 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3531
Downloads: 391
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Relation to motif at Art-education in the third grade of primary school
Secondary abstract: In this diploma we deal with the topic of the relation to motif at Art subject in the third grade of the primary school. The purpose of this research was to find out, which motifs pupils like the most and how everyday environment and gender influence the selection. In the theoretical part we determine art-evaluation and art-acceptance in the first three grades of primary school. We shortly describe layers of art works and medias at subject of art. In this section we also find the history and the development of the art-evaluation, we select the appropriate art works, which will suit our art-evaluation. Furthermore we discuss all up-to-now findings and results about art-work-evaluations. At the end of theoretical part we present the selected works which children had evaluated. In the empirical part we reveal research-findings in which cooperated 3rd grade children from ten primary schools in Podravje. Pupils between presented works selected the one they liked the most. Our research showed that there are statistically important differences in the motif selection according to the gender, since boys liked different motifs according to girls' choices. Boys mostly picked animals and fantasy motifs and girls preferred "genre" motifs, portraits and landscapes. Finally, boys and girls selected animal motif as the best. Secondly we found out that there is no statistically important difference in results between learners who come from countryside or city. From the answer analysis we determined that boys decided for works on the base of motifs only, but girls for reason selected also art-elements and mostly nice colours. To sum up, we can say that teachers at art work should be careful with the selection of the appropriate art works, which have to suit boys' and girls' choices.
Secondary keywords: art-subject;relation to motif;3rd grade;art evaluation;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 119 f.
Keywords (UDC): the arts;recreation;entertainment;sport;umetnost;razvedrilo;zabava;šport;plastic arts;likovna umetnost (kiparstvo in umetna obrt);
ID: 17888
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