diplomsko delo
Na uspehe podjetja in želene cilje pripomorejo vodje in njihovi stili vodenja. Že samo vodenje ključno pripomore k opravljanju nalog in razporediti dela v podjetju. Zaposleni od vodje pridobijo tovrstne informacije, o načinu dela, izvedbi, organizaciji ipd. Uspešni vodje pripomorejo k dobremu počutju zaposlenega v podjetju, sodelujejo, komunicirajo in so strpni do svojih zaposlenih. Zaposlene tako ustrezno motivirajo in jim omogočajo možnost osebne rasti in napredovanja. So aktivi na vseh področjih in delujejo v prid podjetja ter zaposlenega. Z izbiro stila vodenja ključno pripomoremo k številnim procesom ter, k uspešnosti podjetja. Da pa bi zaposleni v podjetju delo kvalitetno in učinkovito opravljali jih morajo vodje ustrezno motivirati in z njimi komunicirati. Motivacija se v podjetju konstanto ponavlja in navsezadnje povečuje produktivnost ter moralo na delovnem mestu, hkrati pa zmanjšuje fluktacijo. Z motivacijo vzporedno poteka vodenje in komunikacija. Brez komunikacije se ljudi med seboj ne bi znali sporazumevati in izvrševati naloge, kot jih od nas zahtevajo nadrejeni. Pri komunikaciji poteka proces prenosa sporočil med dvema osebama (pošiljatelj, prejemnik). Kadar je komunikacija učinkovita, bosta obe osebi sporočilo zaznali in se nanj dosledno odzvali. Lahko se pa zgodi, da pride do šuma v komunikaciji, oziroma ovire, kjer se sporočilo ne posreduje v takšni obliki kot bi pošiljatelj to želel. Vodje z svojim načinom komuniciranja ogromno pripomorejo k dobremu ali slabemu počutju v podjetju. Svojim podrejenim morajo podati mnoge napotke, naloge, jih znati spoštovati in poslušati, tako, da bodo zaposleni imeli občutek, da so v podjetju pomembni. Z ustrezno komunikacijo lahko vplivamo tudi na samo motivacijo in naloge, ki se morajo opraviti. Dobra komunikacija je tako rekoč ključ do uspešnega podjetja. Če povzamemo, se vodenje, motivacija in komunikacija prekrivajo ena z drugim. Pomembno je, da vodja pozna cilje organizacije in stoji za svojimi stališči pri opravljanju nalog. Vendar se mora poistovetiti z svojimi zaposlenimi, jim znati prisluhniti, jih spoštovati ter dati občutek pomembnosti. Z dobrim nagrajevanjem pa tako še dodatno pripomorejo k »zvestobi« zaposlenih in kakovostni izvedbi končnih nalog. V diplomski nalogi smo na začetku predstavili pojme o vodenju, motivaciji in komunikaciji ter jih na kratko opisali. V raziskovalnem delu, bomo povzeli anketo zaposlenih in intervju vodje v izbranem podjetju. Zaključili bomo z povzetkom in potrdili ali ovrgli naše hipoteze.
vodenje;stili vodenja;motivacija;motivacijske teorije;komunikacija;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
I. Podgorelec |
UDC: |
005:331 |
Views: |
14 |
Downloads: |
3 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
ǂThe ǂimpact of leadership style on motivation and communication in an organisation |
Secondary abstract: |
Leaders and their leadership styles contribute to a company's success and desired goals. Leadership itself is a key contributor to getting things done and getting work done in a company. Employees get this kind of information from the manager, about the way work is done, performance, organisation, etc. Successful managers contribute to the well-being of the employee in the company, they cooperate, communicate and are obedient to their employees. They motivate employees and give them opportunities for personal growth and promotion. They are active in all areas and work for the benefit of the company and the employee. The choice of leadership style makes a key contribution to many processes and to the success of the company. However, in order for employees to perform their work effectively and efficiently, managers must motivate and communicate with them. Motivation is a constant recurring theme in a company and ultimately increases productivity and morale in the workplace, while reducing turnover. Motivation goes hand in hand with leadership and communication. Without communication, people would not be able to communicate with each other and carry out the tasks required of us by our superiors. Communication is the process of passing messages between two people (sender, receiver). When communication is effective, both people will perceive the message and respond appropriately. However, there may be noise in the communication, or a barrier where the message is not conveyed in the form the sender would have wanted. Managers with their way of communication make a huge difference to the wellbeing of a company, whether good or bad. They have to give their subordinates many instructions, tasks, respect and listen to them, so that employees feel that they are important in the company. Proper communication can also influence motivation and the tasks that need to be done. Good communication is, in a way, the key to a successful company. In summary, leadership, motivation and communication overlap with each other. It is important for a leader to know the objectives of the organisation and to stand by his or her views when carrying out tasks. However, he/she must identify with his/her subordinates, be able to listen to them, respect them and make them feel important to the organisation. By rewarding them well, they further contribute to employee "loyalty" and to the quality of the final tasks. In this thesis, we started by introducing the concepts of leadership, motivation and communication and briefly described them. In the research part, we summarised the employee survey and the manager interview in the selected company. We will conclude with a summary and confirm or refute our hypotheses. |
Secondary keywords: |
leadership;leadership styles;motivation;motivational theory;communication; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
III, 49 str. |
ID: |
19682363 |