magistrsko delo
Tina Šumer (Author), Vedran Hadžić (Reviewer), Katja Tomažin (Consultant), Aleš Dolenec (Mentor)


Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv vadbe moči mišic stopala na vzdolžni stopalni lok. Zasnovali smo vadbeni program za trening moči stopalnih mišic, ki ga je merjenka izvajala 18 tednov. Izvajala je pet vaj po ekstenzivni bodybuilding metodi in maksimalni metodi z namenom znotraj-mišične aktivacije. Pred začetkom in po koncu izvajanja vadbenega programa smo opravili merjenje. Izmerili smo telesno višino, telesno težo, zapisali starost merjenke, izmerili pasivni navikularni padec, dinamični navikularni padec, aktivno gibljivost v gležnju v smeri dorzalne in plantarne fleksije ter inverzije in everzije. Ugotovili smo, da je bil pri drugem merjenju pasivni navikularni padec leve noge, glede na prvo merjenje relativno večji kakor pri desni nogi. Dinamični navikularni padec leve noge prvega merjenja je bil večji kakor pri drugem merjenju. Dinamični navikularni padec desne noge prvega in drugega merjenja je bil enako velik. Aktivna dorzalna fleksija v gležnju se je pri drugem merjenju leve noge zmanjšala, desne noge pa povečala. Aktivna plantarna fleksija v gležnju leve noge je bila pri obeh merjenjih enaka, pri desni nogi pa se je pri drugem merjenju povečala. Aktivna inverzija v gležnju leve noge je bila pri obeh merjenjih enaka, v gležnju desne noge pa se je pri drugem merjenju povečala. Aktivna everzija v gležnju, se je pri drugem merjenju povečala pri obeh nogah. Naše ugotovitve nakazujejo, da smo z izbranim 18-tedenskim vadbenim programom stopalnih mišic, pozitivno vplivali na vzdolžni stopalni lok v smeri pasivnega navikularnega padca, medtem ko pri dinamičnem navikularnem padcu nismo zaznali pozitivnih vplivov vadbe. S tem smo sprejeli hipotezo H01 in ovrgli hipotezo H02. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da je naš vadbeni program pozitivno vplival na aktivno gibljivost v gležnju, zato smo sprejeli hipotezo H03.


vadba za moč;stopalo;globalne mišice;lokalne mišice;vzdolžni stopalni lok;plosko stopalo;fleksibilnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [T. Šumer]
UDC: 611.98:796.015.52
COBISS: 192862467 Link will open in a new window
Views: 183
Downloads: 30
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The effect of foot muscle strength training on the longitudinal foot arc
Secondary abstract: The aim of our research was to assess the impact of foot muscle strength training on the longitudinal arch of the foot. We designed foot muscle strength training, which the subject performed for 18 weeks. She performed 5 exercises, according to the extensive bodybuilding method and the method of maximal load. Prior to commencing and after completing the strength training, we conducted measurements. We measured body height, body weight, recorded the age of the subject, measured passive navicular drop, dynamic navicular drop, active ankle mobility in the direction of dorsal and plantar flexion, inversion and eversion. We found that in the second measurement, the passive navicular drop of the left leg was relatively greater than in the right leg compared to the first measurement. The dynamic navicular drop of the left leg in the first measurement was greater than in the second measurement. The dynamic navicular drop of the right leg in the first and second measurements was the same. Active ankle dorsiflexion decreased in the second measurement of the left leg and increased in the right leg. Active plantar flexion in the ankle of the left leg was the same in both measurements, but in the right leg it increased in the second measurement. Active inversion in the ankle of the left leg was the same in both measurements, but in the right leg it increased in the second measurement. Active eversion in the ankle of the left and right leg was greater in the second measurement. Our findings indicate that the selected 18-week foot muscle training program positively influenced the longitudinal foot arch in terms of passive navicular drop. However, no positive effects of the exercise were observed in dynamic navicular drop. Consequently, we accepted hypothesis H01 and rejected hypothesis H02. Additionally, we observed a positive effect of our training program on active ankle mobility, leading us to accept hypothesis H03.
Secondary keywords: strength training;foot global and local muscles;longitudinal foot arch;flexible flat foot;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (77 str.))
ID: 22925901