diplomsko delo
Diplomska naloga se posveča vlogam, ki so jih ženske igrale v starogrškem verskem delovanju, in pomembnosti teh vlog v širšem družbenem kontekstu tistega časa. Ženske so bile v stari Grčiji omejene na podrejene družbene vloge, a so večjo avtonomijo lahko našle znotraj religije. V verskih obredih so lahko sodelovale aktivno in pasivno. Aktivno kot svečenice, ki jim je bil podan poseben status ter privilegiji za časa njihovega delovanja, kot tudi počastitev njihovega imena po koncu mandata. Večina žensk pa je sodelovalo pasivno, kot darovalke posvetitev bogovom, kar je bila zanje redka priložnost javnega nastopa, in z udeležbo ženskih festivalov. Med njimi je najbolj poznan festival Tezmoforije, na katerem so ob čaščenju boginje Demetre spodbujale svojo plodnosti, ki je tako simbolno kot praktično predstavljala rast in razvoj polis. Tak festival je bila redka priložnost, da so poročene ženske uživale v izključno ženski družbi, saj je bil potek festivala moškim skrivnost, zaradi česar pa je bil večkrat tarča njihovih kritik. Prav tako so bile ženske edine, ki so imele dostop do določenih področij življenja, kot je na primer smrt. Priprava trupla za pokop in tradicionalno žalovanje sta bila nalogi, ki so ju lahko opravljale le sorodnice umrlega. Pomembnost spoštovanja tega pravila se kaže tudi v zakonskih omejitvah. V diplomskem delu se dotaknem tudi vprašanja, kako je status žensk v družbi vplival na njihovo priložnost pri sodelovanju v religioznih obredih (glede na to, ali so bile svobodne ali sužnje, državljanke ali tujke, ter bogate ali revne) in kako je vplival na ohranitev virov do danes.
starogrška religija;ženske;svečenice;Tezmoforije;posvetitve;žalovanje;bolonjska diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2024 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[N. Poljanšek] |
UDC: |
94(38) |
Views: |
22 |
Downloads: |
6 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
The role of women in ancient greek religion |
Secondary abstract: |
The undergraduate thesis focuses on the roles that women played in ancient Greek religious practices and the importance of these roles in the wider social context of the time. Women in ancient Greece were limited to subordinate social roles, but they could find greater autonomy within religion. They could participate actively and passively in religious ceremonies. Actively as priestesses, who were given special status and privileges during their tenure, as well as the honoring of their name after the end of their mandate. Most women, however, participated passively, as donors of dedications to the gods, which was a rare opportunity for them to appear publicly, and by participating in women's festivals. Among them, the best known is the festival of Thesmophoria, during which the goddess Demeter was worshiped to promote her fertility, which symbolically and practically represented the growth and development of the polis. Such a festival was a rare opportunity for married women to enjoy an all-female company, as the course of the festival was kept a secret from men, and was for this repeatedly the target of their criticism. Also, women were the only ones who had access to certain areas of life, such as death. Preparing the body for burial and traditional mourning were tasks that could only be performed by female relatives of the deceased. The importance of respecting this social norm is also reflected in its legal restrictions. In my thesis, I also touch on the question of how the status of women in society affected their opportunity to participate in religious ceremonies (depending on whether they were free or slaves, citizens or foreigners, and rich or poor) and how it affected conservation of resources to date. |
Secondary keywords: |
ancient Greek religion;women;priestesses;Thesmophoria;dedications;mourning; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
1011027 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino |
Pages: |
29 f. |
ID: |
25096073 |