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Lucija Jekovec (Author), Tatjana Devjak (Mentor), Branka Potočnik (Co-mentor)


Glasbene dejavnosti na osnovni šoli pod vodstvom učitelja razrednega pouka


pevski zbor;Orffova skupina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Jekovec]
UDC: 78:373.3.016(043.2)
COBISS: 8895561 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1303
Downloads: 193
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Music activities in elementary school led by a primary education teacher
Secondary abstract: Primary education teacher has a major impact on musical activities of children during the period of the first to the fifth grade of elemetary school. The quality of these activities depends mostly on his professional qualifications, personal characteristics, motivation, innovation and awareness of the positive effects of music on a child. I performed a case study in three elementary schools involving three primary education teachers. In this case study I have explored the quantity, limitations, content and operating conditions the primary education teacher works in while promoting music functioning of children in our schools. As a result I am presenting three fine examples of music activities led by previously mentioned teachers: extracurricular activities School choir, Orrf music group and Finale Note Pad – music theory learning with the help of computer program that takes place as a part of interdisciplinary music teaching, suplementary and after-school classes.
Secondary keywords: music education;extra-curricular activities;primary school;glasbena vzgoja;interesne dejavnosti;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 117 str., [39] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Music activities in elementary school led by a primary education teacher
Keywords (ePrints): javno šolstvo
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): public school
Abstract (ePrints): Na glasbeno delovanje otrok v obdobju od prvega do petega razreda osnovne šole v veliki meri vpliva učitelj razrednega pouka. Od njegove strokovne usposobljenosti, osebnostnih značilnosti, motivacije, inovativnosti in ozaveščenosti o pozitivnih vplivih glasbe na otroka je odvisna kakovost glasbenih dejavnosti v okviru pouka glasbene vzgoje in izven njega. S študijo primera na treh šolah pri treh učiteljih sem raziskala k, v katerih okvirih, v kakšnih delovnih pogojih in s katerimi vsebinami učitelji razrednega pouka spodbujajo glasbeno delovanje otrok v naših šolah. Kot primere dobre prakse, pod vodstvom učiteljev razrednega pouka potekajo izven rednega pouka glasbene vzgoje v obdobju od prvega do petega razreda osnovne šole, izpostavljam interesni dejavnosti Pevski zbor in Orffovo skupino, tretja dejavnost pa je Finale Note Pad, pri kateri okviru medpredmetnega povezovanja glasbe, dopolnilnega pouka in podaljšanega bivanja, spoznavanje glasbene teorije poteka s pomočjo računalnika.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Primary education teacher has a major impact on musical activities of children during the period of the first to the fifth grade of elemetary school. The quality of these activities depends mostly on his professional qualifications, personal characteristics, motivation, innovation and awareness of the positive effects of music on a child. I performed a case study in three elementary schools involving three primary education teachers. In this case study I have explored the quantity, limitations, content and operating conditions the primary education teacher works in while promoting music functioning of children in our schools. As a result I am presenting three fine examples of music activities led by previously mentioned teachers: extracurricular activities School choir, Orrf music group and Finale Note Pad – music theory learning with the help of computer program that takes place as a part of interdisciplinary music teaching, suplementary and after-school classes.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): public school
ID: 8307999